This site is for my project to make a transcript for the game Bug Fables!

I found the game's dialogue to be super charming, and the story beats were something I found myself wanting to revisit several times, both to better absorb and for writing fics. Upon looking for a transcript and not finding any out there, I took matters into my own hands and this is the result.

A few notes

  • Currently: I have transcripts of the full game (before the anniversary update - need to work on that stuff) and the most recent demo version up on here, to the same amount of detail.
  • There's no spoiler warnings on anything. Most of the pages are in rough chronological order at least by what chapter they can happen in, but because all the pages are comprehensive there's still a possibility to run across something
  • And the obligatory disclaimer that this is just a fan project for my own and others' reference, with no affiliation with the official team.