
Ant Palace, Library

[First talk]

Libren: Hey, explorers! It's so good that you've dropped by!

Leif: Uh huh. We're looking for this book - "The 20 Ways of-

Libren: W-Wait! That's Brooke's job!

Libren: I'm the head of the Explorer Fact Hunt!

Vi: You...hunt facts? You can't smack facts…

Libren: …

Kabbu: Please tell us more!

Libren: Right. Yay! Look, it's simple. This world is filled with "Discoveries"!

Libren: I'm sure you've seen at least one already. Super special places!

Libren: If you donate Discovery info to the library, we'll reward you!

Vi: Deal. How much info do you want?

Libren: The library will reward you for every 5 Discoveries you find. It includes berries, Medals and other goodies!

Libren: So it's good to drop by often!

Kabbu: It's like a fun school game! I'm in!

Leif: ...Sure, we're in. But could you help us find that book now?

Libren: Nope.

(minibubble) Leif: Tch...

[talk again]

Libren: Hey there! Came in to turn in some Discoveries? Let's see how you've done!

[first check]

Libren: Seems you have found |var,0| Discoveries so far…

[subsequent checks]

Libren: This time you have |var,0| Discoveries, last time you had found |var,54|...

[get reward]

Libren: Looks like you have enough for the next reward tier! Here you go!

[more reward at once]

Libren: Oh! You still have enough for the next reward tier! Well done!

[not qualified]

Libren: Sorry... It doesn't seem you have enough for the next reward tier… But don't give up! Keep trying and come back when you do!


Libren: That seems to be all for now! Come back once you have found more Discoveries!

[got all discoveries]

Libren: Wow...50 Discoveries! You're all true explorers!

Vi: Heheheh. Get ready for the next reward!

Libren: Well, not really. That's kinda all we had.

Vi: Huh?

Libren: The Queen's budget covered 10 rewards. The program's complete!

Kabbu: It feels like forever, but we did it!

Leif: Welp, without rewards Vi ain't gonna donate anything else.

Libren: That's fine. You've all helped so much! Thank you!

Vi: Well, it was pretty good while it lasted!

[talk again]

Libren: The Explorer Fact Hunt program's complete! Thank you for helping us out so much!

[Quest: Book Return!]

Libren: Welcome to the library! How can I help you today?

Kabbu: We have a book to return.

Libren: Oh? Thank you!

Libren: It is a bit overdue...but I will forgive you as explorers are always busy.

Libren: Thanks for your patronage!

Leif: Alright. Let's return to Ali and get our reward.

[end of quest-related dialogue]

Npc Spy

Vi: These two are like night and day, huh.

Leif: We can relate to Brooke's angry power reading aura.

Kabbu: Oh, then I'm Libren's joyful search for new stories!

Vi: You're both just nerds.