
Ant Palace, Library

[Quest: Lost Books]

[First talk]

Brooke: Hey. What's your business?

Leif: We'd like to read some history books, if possible.

Brooke: Tch. They've...gotten lost.

Kabbu: Lost? How is that possible?

Brooke: We lent them out to the Bee Kingdom... But blasted bandits attacked the caravan!

Brooke: Now they're just scattered across Bugaria.

Leif: So, uh, what can we do?

Brooke: If you find any, make my life easier and return them. Then you'll be able to read them!

Vi: The nerve! They just want us to do the clean up for free!

Kabbu: Still, this is important to Leif. Let's help out.

Leif: Mhm. We don't really have another choice.

[Talk again]

Brooke: Oh, hey. It's you. Did you find any books?

[incorrect item]

Brooke: Oh please, don't waste my time.

[bug ranger plush]

Brooke: Oh...! Is that THE Bug Ranger plushie?! The limited one?!

Kabbu: I-Indeed... are you a fan of the Bug Rangers?

Brooke: Well... yes. I love reading the comics.

Vi: Looks like you found a new friend, Kabbu!

Kabbu: Hehe... it's always nice to find other people that like the Bug Rangers!

[Bad Book]

Brooke: What?! That book is a disgrace to this library! Get that out of here!

[exit out]

Brooke: Remember, if you find any books, bring them to me. I will let you read any books you find free of charge.

[lore book]

Brooke: Ah, wonderful. That is one of ours, yes. I'll put it on the shelf, so check it out whenever.

[turn in last lore book]

Brooke: One...ten...twenty…

Brooke: Woah. You've gone and returned all of them!

Leif: We can read in peace now.

Vi: That took way too long! Can't you give us something for it?

Brooke: ...Alright, alright. You did go through quite a bit.

Brooke: I've got this on me, I hope it helps you out.

Vi: Eh, it'll do.

Kabbu: Thank you for letting us still use the premises.

Brooke: Help yourselves. It's always nice to see others read.

[talk again, all books returned]

Brooke: Help yourselves to the books anytime. You've been a great help!

[check bookshelf, nothing on it]

Textbox: This shelf is empty.

[check bookshelf, books]

Textbox: Which book would you like to read? Press |button,5| to cancel.

[end of quest-related dialogue]

[Quest: Book Return!]

Brooke: Oh, hey. It's you. Did you find any books?

Brooke: Wait, that book is WAY overdue!

Kabbu: W-we apologize.

Brooke: Apologies won't cut it! Although Gen and Eri were the ones that picked it up, right?

Brooke: Ooooh… they're going to hear the END of it!

(minibubble) Vi: Eek!

Leif: Well, book's delivered. Let's go back and get our reward.

[end of quest-related dialogue]

Npc Spy

Vi: These two are like night and day, huh.

Leif: We can relate to Brooke's angry power reading aura.

Kabbu: Oh, then I'm Libren's joyful search for new stories!

Vi: You're both just nerds.