
Ant Kingdom, Commercial

Dan: Ah... Cooked Danger. The most exquisite of dishes…

Leif: Aren't those poisonous?

Dan: To someone such as I, poison is nothing.

Leif: Hmm. We will have to try one as well…

Vi: Uh, no. We really shouldn't.

Golden Settlement, Main Area

Dan: I try to make it to each festival. Even the classic Leaf Salad can become more exciting with Kut's skilled hands.

[post-Aria battle]

Dan: Kut's cooking is simply on a whole other level. Even with a plain Hard Seed, he can make miracles.

Dan: Don't get me started on the explosive power he produces mixing it with Spicy or Burly berries...

Ant Kingdom, Underground Tavern

Dan: Ahh, Doppel's Berry Juice. It has that little kick the competition just can't offer me...!

Defiant Root, Entrance

Dan: Ah...the bakery in this town is the best.

Dan: By mixing flour with different ingredients, it's possible to create so many different pastries! I must taste all of them!

Metal Lake, Bugaria Pier

Dan: It's a shame, but they've run out of tea. Oh, the flavor a leaf and some water can bring forth…

Termite Kingdom, Main Plaza

Dan: These lands have a unique fruit. The Termites call it a "Squash".

Dan: They are harvested from the Plumplings that roam around the wilds.

Dan: Cooking it by itself is already good, but mixing it up with Flour makes something really great.

Dan: What if one mixed a Squash with some defense boosting ingredient?

Dan: My appetite flares up just thinking about it…

Metal Lake, Metal Island

Dan: Everyone on this island always goes on about the rare cherries.

Dan: But here I am, pondering how they would taste mixed with other rare berries, or even rare seeds.

Dan: Maybe they can be mixed with some explosives to really blow out the flavor!

Npc Spies

[Ant Kingdom, Commercial]

Vi: This Beetle's always at Fry's. He eats pretty much anything…

Leif: Ah, a true gourmet. We may have things in common.

Vi: Yeah. You're both weirdos, alright.

Leif: ...

[Golden Settlement, Main Area]

Leif: It's that gourmet from the plaza…

Vi: Yup. Anyways, let's go.

Leif: Can't we stay a bit? We wanted to drink some Aphid Dew together…

Kabbu: Leif, you've made friends without us noticing!

Kabbu: I'm...I'm so proud!

Leif: "Friends" may be a bit too strong a word...

[Underground Tavern]

Vi: Sometimes I see this Beetle at Fry's. He eats pretty much anything…

Leif: Ah, a true gourmet. We may have things in common.

Vi: Yeah. You're both weirdos, alright.

Leif: …

[Defiant Root, Entrance]

Leif: Ah...we can't help but be hungry around this bug.

Vi: No rush, Leif. You two can hang out!

Leif: Oh? We just might order some stuff, then…

Kabbu: Don't mind if we join you!

[Metal Lake, Bugaria Pier]

Leif: We meet again…

Vi: He really is everywhere!

Leif: Hope you won't mind if we stay for a snack.

[Termite Kingdom, Main Plaza]

Leif: This guy is even here…

Vi: Where there is food, there he is.

Kabbu: You have to admire his dedication to his culinary quest.

[Metal Lake, Metal Island]

Leif: He's here, too? Now we know he's a true gourmet.

Vi: What, just 'cuz he spends money to eat?

Leif: Many people boast being refined, but wouldn't make the sacrifice to travel here.

Kabbu: Truth be told, I do believe I enjoy eating…

Kabbu: But if our travels hadn't brought us here, I wouldn't have tried to eat Master Slice's food!

Vi: You two think about this way too hard...