
Explorer’s Association

[ch1, post-battle]

Kabbu: S-such skill with the blade!

Maki: ...You pass.

Vi: What!?

Maki: You performed well enough. I could feel your desire to see the world through your attacks.

Maki: I am no one to keep you from your Explorer Permit. Eetl, you may grant it to them.

Eetl: I get no say in this, huh?

Eetl: ...But Maki IS the Queen's Blade. Here, you can have it.

Vi: I did it! Snakemouth Den is going to be all mine! All the riches, all the glory!

(minibubble) Kabbu: Er, we did it.

Maki: Snakemouth Den, it lies to the west of the association. A simple path, although filled with danger.

Maki: There is much treasure to be found, but its jaws have claimed many.

(minibubble) Kabbu: Treasure, huh...

Kina: MAKI!!!

Kina: Seriously, brother! How long are you going to keep me waiting!?

Maki: My apologies, Kina.

Maki: Vi, Kabbu, I must be going now. As you can see, duty calls me. May you succeed in your mission.

Vi: What a weird bunch.

Kabbu: He ended up causing quite the scene himself. That fighting prowess... How many years must he have trained?

[ch2, first talk]

Kina: Oh no... Maki went off by himself? Again!?

Leif: We saw him in our meeting with the Queen…

Vi: Didn't he go off to the Golden Hills?

Kina: Ugh, no luck. I've already checked!

Vi: A-Already!?

Kabbu: Kina, your brother is one of the most respected explorers. He will be okay!

Kina: I know, I know…

Kina: But the nerve of him going without me! We're an unbeatable team! What if he needs me!?

Leif: Maybe he wanted some alone time?


Kabbu: Holy Goddesses!

Leif: Uhh... nothing. Nothing at all.

Kina: That's what I thought!

Vi: S-She's scaring me. Let's get out of here!

[talk again]

Kina: Just leave me alone. I'll worry by myself.

Kabbu: *Sigh.* Good job, Leif.

Leif: We didn't do anything...

Ant Palace, Main Room

[bringing back second artifact]

Kina: Oh no... Maki is still not back! And we have to meet the Queen... Ugh.

Ant Palace, Throne Room

[Story, ch3, coming back with the Tablet]

Neo: Oh! You've all come! I must say, you're just in time.

Leif: (It's really crowded… those questions will have to wait.)

Elizant: Tell us without further ado, Team Snakemouth. Have you found the artifact hidden in the Golden Hills?

Vi: Yup! We're ready for that reward!

Elizant: Wonderful! This timing is simply impeccable.

Elizant: I must congratulate you, for bringing this artifact to my care.

Elizant: This must be sign of even more good things to come. For the Ant Kingdom and Bugaria.

Kabbu: It was our honor, Your Highness!

Elizant: Zaryant, please collect the artifact and hand them their rewards.

Zaryant: As you command, my Queen.

Zaryant: You have earned this, Team Snakemouth.

Vi: Heheh. Thanks again! The Vi Bank keeps filling!

Neo: Oh! M-may I take a look, as we discussed?

Elizant: Yes. Make haste, Zaryant.

Zaryant: Handle it with care, Professor.

Neo: O-Of course!

Neo: Yes...YES! My research held true!

Neo: This tablet must contain information on how to find the Everlasting Sapling!

Vi: What? But that's just a bunch of blue lines!

Neo: Oho, Vi! That's where that mask you found in Snakemouth comes in!

Kina: I-It really was a mask!? I thought it was just a weird rock…

Kabbu: Heheh, so I was right!

Leif: Don't boast, Kabbu.

Neo: Listen now, the mask is an interpreter! Through it, these lines morph into the Roach Alphabet!

(minibubble) Kina: (Who cares...)

Neo: I cannot tell how it actually works, but the Roaches had such marvelous technology! I'm smitten!

Elizant: Wonderful... Very, very wonderful...!

Elizant: We are making progress in finding the sapling. Finally.

Leif: What do you need the Everlasting Sapling for?

Elizant: ...That is not for you to know.

Leif: Tch…

Elizant: Just know, that with it my mother's dream will come true at last.

Leif: (Elizant's dream?)

Elizant: Professor. How long will it take you to decipher this tablet?

Neo: Oh, will be some time. Even with the mask, the runes are still in Roach Script. S-Sorry.

Elizant: I see. Fret not, that leaves us with time to retrieve the other artifact.

Celia: There's another one?

Neo: Mhm. My research indicates there are three artifacts.

Neo: With the missing key, we can "unlock" the Everlasting Sapling!

Levi: Then...we're almost at the finish line!

Neo: YES! And given what we know, the key should be in the Bee Kingdom!

Vi: R-Really?

Neo: Long ago, before knowing of its real nature, they used it when building the Honey Factory's Core.

Neo: But I'm not sure if they will give it to us, because taking it out will shut down the whole thing…

Vi: It'll shut down the factory? B-But...

Zaryant: Do not worry, both of you.

Zaryant: We have sent our envoys to the Bee Kingdom ever since you told us about the key.

Zaryant: Finally, they have agreed to let us take it, in exchange for materials to build a replacement.

Kabbu: That is wonderful!

Neo: Oh, joy! Then it won't cause them any trouble!

Kina: So the job's trading these materials for the artifact?

Elizant: Precisely. That is your next mission.

Elizant: And luckily, a young Bee joined your ranks recently. She will be of great help in this mission.

(minibubble) Kabbu: Vi...

Vi: …

(minibubble) Leif: Oh right...

Celia: Geez. Team Snakemouth is on a roll, aren't they?

Levi: It's all fair game, Celia. We have our own tasks to excel at.

Elizant: With that, you are all dismissed.

Elizant: Except Team Snakemouth and Team Celia. I wish to have a word with you.

Kina: Well, guess we'll be going now…

(minibubble) Kina: I wish Maki was here...

Elizant: Now, I've kept you here to ask about the wasp situation.

Elizant: The professor has mentioned you all helped him when he was attacked. For that, you have my gratitude.

(minibubble) Neo: ...

Levi: We are unworthy, Your Highness. We only did what any explorer ought to.

(minibubble) Kabbu: S-So cool...

Celia: It was worrying, though. They seem to know about the artifacts somehow…

Elizant: Then it is as I feared. We are running out of time.

Elizant: You must all remain on guard, and avoid the northern border with the Wasp Kingdom at all costs.

Levi: As you wish, Your Highness.

Elizant: To reach the Bee Kingdom, you must travel southeast from the Association, and take the first north exit.

Elizant: With my permission, explorers may now cross the passage to the Lost Sands.

Zaryant: Be wary, however. The number of bandits in the Lost Sands has been increasing lately.

Zaryant: Head straight to Defiant Root as soon as possible, to enter the Bee Hive.

(minibubble) Vi: ...

Kabbu: We will get it done, Your Highness!

(minibubble) Leif: Uh huh...

Zaryant: Dismissed!

Textbox: Chapter 3: Factory Inspection

Levi: That being said, we do have some things to take care of first.

Levi: If you have time, perhaps you could check out the Quest Board in the Plaza...?

Celia: Try not to clear the mission too quickly, so we may catch up!

Leif: No promises.

Defiant Root, Entrance

Kina: Maki's still gone...I'm starting to get worried. He never takes this long to complete a mission.

Kabbu: I am certain he's fine!

Leif: Or maybe he…


Ant Palace, Throne Room

[Story, ch5, first invasion: post-battle]

Kabbu: T-Too...strong...

Vi: ...Leif...! C-Can't you freeze him?!

Leif: He's...too powerful.

(minibubble) Leif: Gah!

(minibubble) Vi: The artifact!

(minibubble) Kabbu: Leif!

Elizant: Give it back, fiend!

Hoaxe: As if. Give me the other artifacts before I take them off you!

Hoaxe: !!!

Maki: My Queen!

Elizant: Maki! You are LATE!

Maki: Forgive me, Your Majesty. It seems my mission took way longer than expected.

Hoaxe: ...Hmph. At least I managed to snag one artifact.

Elizant: You will return it, with or without your head. And I won't spare you the time to weigh the odds!

Hoaxe: Taunt as you may. You cannot stop me!

Hoaxe: Take care of your vault, you pathetic Ant. I'll come for it soon enough.

Maki: It seems I arrived just in time. I am glad to see you safe.

Kina: MAKI!!

Kina: Maki! MAKI!! There you are!!!

Kina: Are you safe?! What happened?!

Maki: I got sidetracked. Thankfully it seems everything is resolved.

Elizant: Thankfully? Your delay nearly ruined us!

Maki: There are no words to apologize for my fault.

Kina: I-It wasn't your fault, Maki...

Zaryant: I'm...too glad this is be upset…

Leif: Thank you, Maki. We truly owe you one.

Vi: Thought that was it for a while…

Elizant: This is NOT over, Zaryant. That lowlife has taken the artifact.

Kabbu: Indeed. We're at fault as well…

Neo: W-What matters is we're all okay.

Elizant: No. We MUST recover the artifact!

Leif: We still hold the others. Should we rush into this?

Maki: We could hold down the castle, and-

Elizant: SILENCE.

(minibubble) Vi: Eep!

Zaryant: M-My Queen…

Vi: W-What's the rush anyways?

Elizant: That artifact is the other half of the Ancient Key.

Elizant: Do you not remember where its partner was procured from?

Kabbu: ...! The Honey Factory's Core! Then that half has incredible energy!

Neo: Would they even know how to, um, harness it?

Elizant: We cannot afford to find out. You must pursue.

Elizant: They have surely gone north, back to the Far Grasslands.

Kabbu: WHAT!? Are...are you sure of this!?

Leif: Woah. Take it easy.

Elizant: I take it there's no objections?

Kabbu: No! We will handle this task! We'll go right away!

(minibubble) Vi: Huh?

Elizant: The border is east of Defiant Root, so our tunnels should let us catch up.

Leif: Can we win, however?

Vi: That magic was really strong... Almost burnt my fur!

Maki: We'll accompany them, my Queen. Together we should be more than a match.

Zaryant: I'll, with the others to bring the town to normal.

Zaryant: You'll need some war funds, right? ...I've got this on me. Please take it.

Leif: Looks like it's settled. We'll prepare and move out.

Elizant: Go, Team Maki. Team Snakemouth. Retrieve the artifact with haste!

Kabbu: (I'm...I'm ready to return!)

Textbox: Chapter 5: The Far Wildlands

Maki: Kina, Yin and I will meet you at the Wasp border. Make haste, Team Snakemouth.

Kabbu: ...Oh! Uhm, who is this Yin? I have not heard this name before…

Kina: Sigh. Long story. Let's do this mission first, okay?

Kabbu: (If we're with Maki, I'll have even better chances!)

Vi: Oi, Kabbu. Are you okay?

Leif: You'd normally be telling us to be careful and stuff.

Kabbu: I...I don't want to speak of it yet. Give me some time to think…

Kina: Are you done chatting? Don't keep Maki waiting!

Lost Sands, Far Grasslands Border

[Story, ch5]

Maki: Good. You've arrived quickly.

Yin: ...Muh! Muh!

Leif: So who's the cute little thing?

Kina: Just some stray from the streets…

Maki: Now, Kina. Don't be rude.

(minibubble) Kina: Hmph.

Maki: This is Yin. I found her while spying on the Wasps.

Maki: She should have become a Moth moons ago. And, well, her condition fascinates me.

Kabbu: ...Is that so? That's weird.

Vi: Yeah. Never heard of a super old caterpillar!

Kina: Whatever. We've got work to do. I just hope she doesn't slow us down…

Maki: We'll head in first. Make sure you're well prepared.

Kabbu: We've never been more ready!

Leif: Uh, right. See you there.

Far Grasslands, Entrance


Kabbu: And so, we arrive.

(minibubble) Yin: Muh muh!

Vi: Hey, Kabbu. You're from the north, right?

Leif: We do recall hearing it once or twice.

Maki: You had many tales of this land when we first met. Would you serve as our guide?

Kabbu: ...Yes. To be sincere, I've been waiting to return to this wretched place.

Vi: Uh, what? Wretched?

Leif: You've been acting weird. What's going on?

Kabbu: I have only bad memories of this border. Listen, and listen well.

Kabbu: These are the Far Grasslands. They connect the Lost Sands with the Wasp Kingdom.

Kabbu: Given the state of affairs, it is likely their walls are sealed. Even if we walk north to them…

Leif: We wouldn't be able to get in.

Vi: How did you get here, then?

Kina: There's obviously some off-path or something…

Kabbu: That is correct. East of Wild Swamplands.

Kabbu: Hideous monsters, wild tribes, thick water at every turn…

Kabbu: It's...very dangerous.

Maki: Kabbu, I had no idea it was this dreadful…

Maki: I'll take your words to heart, Kabbu. It's clear this is not a journey we can underestimate.

Maki: Kina, you should stay behind with Yin.

Kina: What? Are you crazy? You know how strong we are together!

Maki: I cannot risk this young bug suffering a harsh fate.

Maki: Please, I beg you to watch her until I return.

Kina: Grrr! You always do this! You always run off without me!

Kabbu: Kina... Please, try to understand your brother!

Kina: I'll watch Yin. But I do it for you, brother. Not for her!

(minibubble) Yin: Muh muh!

Kina: If you don't come back...I'll beat you up!

Maki: ...Sigh. Not an easy day for anybody.

Leif: We aren't at the swamp yet, but we cannot relax.

Vi: Yeah. It's east of here, right? I'll make sure there's no traps around!

Kabbu: This area changes constantly, so I can't tell what's ahead.

Kabbu: Stay close to me. Let's go!

Kabbu: (Forgive me, team. If I told you my plans, you'd…)

Defiant Root, Entrance


Kina: Ugh. What am I supposed to do with you now?!

Yin: M-muh muh!



Yin: M-muh! Muh muuuuh!!

Leif: We'd best, uh, catch up with Maki soon.

Ant Palace, Throne Room

[Story, ch6, returning from Wasp Kingdom]

Kabbu: You vile filth! Step away from the Queen!

Maki: T-Team Snakemouth...I'm sorry. My injury…

(minibubble) Elizant: Nghgh..

Vanessa: You blasted usurper! Will you burn all of Bugaria to the ground to reach your foolish ambitions!?

Hoaxe: Hmph. You're all so pathetic. Pitiable.

Hoaxe: A King holds absolute power over his people. He is not meant to serve... He is to be served!

Hoaxe: To command! To possess! To enjoy! That is the privilege of royalty! And it shall all be mine!

Hoaxe: You haven't learned your lesson? Shall I thaw out your ice in flame once and for all?

Vi: Like we'd fall for the same trick twice!

Hoaxe: You WOULD!

Kina: Team Snakemouth!

Neo: Kabbu!

Hoaxe: MOVE!

Maki: KINA!!!

Elizant: Stop! You will hurt my people no longer!

Hoaxe: Hand them over. All of them.

Hoaxe: Or I will pry them from your carcass!

Elizant: …

Zaryant: N-No! If we do, he'll…

Hoaxe: You have until my axe swings... To say YES!

Elizant: ...

Hoaxe: It'll be all the same, when I come back with the power of the Everlasting Sapling.

Hoaxe: You shall all bow to me once more - but you shall keep breathing.

Hoaxe: Enjoy your last days of peace, lowlives!

Elizant: Grrr...…curse it all...!

Leif: We lost... That's no way to end a show…

Maki: My Queen, all I've done is fail you…

Kina: Stay still, Maki... You're even more hurt than me.

Neo: It's okay. A-At least we're all safe…

Vi: It's not! He's just gonna get the sapling and come back!

Kabbu: What could be the source of his power…

Leif: Elizant…

Leif: No, Queen. Thank you. For choosing to save us.

Elizant: ...

Elizant: I do not deserve your gratitude. I've failed everyone. You, my loyal people. My mother, the Queen…

Elizant: It would be folly to pretend I deserve this royal mask.

(minibubble) Leif: ...

Zaryant: My Queen... That's not true! We couldn't ask for one better!

Zaryant: You are our mother! Our beacon of hope!

Elizant: Thank you, Zaryant. But now all has been taken away from us. The Wasp King possesses the keys to find the sapling.

Elizant: I have failed as both your Queen and mother of our people.

Zaryant: N-No…

Vanessa: ...I know I am an outsider to all this, but may I speak?

Vanessa: When the King usurped my people, I cowered and hid. I have never raised a blade…

Vanessa: I simply believed my subjects would always follow me, no matter what.

Vanessa: I don't know how, but he turned them all on me just like that…

Vanessa: If you are not a Queen, I am but a peasant.

Maki: I would never serve one without conviction and integrity.

Kabbu: You've given us all the chance to thrive in your city!

Elizant: …

Elizant: Your words are kind, but I cannot accept them.

Elizant: As we speak, the Wasp King must be heading towards the Everlasting Sapling…

Elizant: Yet we have no way to pursue…

Leif: Elizant, please answer us finally. Why do you desire the sapling? Why go through all this?

Kabbu: I assumed it would be to keep yourself young and fit to rule…

Vi: Uh, right. No one wants to get old!

Elizant: ...Fair assumptions. But no, it was never something for my own gain.

Elizant: I might as well tell you, then. The reason for my search.

Elizant: The true Queen, Elizant I... My mother, she yet lives.

Elizant: She was put in a deep slumber, using crystal energy. A sort of stasis.

Elizant: It was her dream to get the sapling so she could continue to rule Bugaria for years to come.

Elizant: ...I wished only to bring her back with it.

Elizant: A graceful Queen, loved by all. A diplomatic genius, who ended wars without combat.

Elizant: I longed for her return... So that I may concede my throne to her.

Elizant: For she is so much more than I have ever been.

Leif: …

Leif: We truly thought wrong of your intentions. But the truth sounds even more insane…

Vi: Wow! That's awesome!

(minibubble) Maki: ...

(minibubble) Kina: ...

(minibubble) Leif: ...

Kabbu: Um, I'm not sure if that would be my reaction…

Vi: We need to go beat up the King! Whatever he wants isn't any better!

Kabbu: If we knew where he was going, we would have some chance, but…

Neo: A-Actually! I do know where! Probably!

Kina: Were you ever gonna tell us? Speak up!

Neo: R-Right. I was, uh, waiting for the right moment. The King is certainly going for the sapling, yeah?

Neo: Analyzing everything we know so far, my conclusion is the sapling must be in the Giant's Lair!

(minibubble) Elizant: ...

Vi: You mean that giant wall we can see from the big tree? The haunted place?! THAT Giant's Lair?!?!

Elizant: A towering behemoth of steel and wood, said to have housed the previous rulers of these lands. The so called giants.

Elizant: It is forbidden to go there. None who enter have come back.

Maki: ...In hindsight, it makes sense it'd be there. Even if we needed the artifacts to enter.

Kina: We need a boat to get there though. Doubt the Wasps will let us sail in fine and dandy.

Zaryant: Tch. They were one step ahead of us. We had just received reports that the ships at the pier were sunk by the Wasps!

Vi: W-What do we do, then? Bees can't build boats or anything...

Vanessa: ...! If you'd allow me to suggest something, why not ask the Termite Kingdom?

Vi: There's a Termite Kingdom?

Kabbu: They are an isolationist yet advanced society that lives just outside Bugaria…

Kabbu: They hate daylight so they don't make much contact.

Kabbu: Some species go for a visit, but they forbid entrance to all Ants.

Leif: ...Or that's how they used to be. Right, our Queen?

Elizant: When my mother went into her sleep, I was not...skilled enough to maintain her level of diplomacy. And our alliance fell apart.

(minibubble) Zaryant: My Queen...

Elizant: But they are our only hope. I will go, injured though I may be. I shall request an audience and do what it takes.

Zaryant: I must oppose! The Termites live deep in the Forsaken Lands! That area is teeming with dangerous beasts!

Zaryant: You must NOT put yourself in such danger! I will prepare envoys at once!

Elizant: If this was any other time, I would agree with you... But there is no choice!

Elizant: We are only in dire straits because of me. I will go myself, and that is final.

Zaryant: Hnngh…

Maki: If only I was strong as you, my Queen. Injured as I am…

Elizant: Maki, Zaryant, you two rally up all explorers. Do not let rumors and panic spread.

Elizant: When we return, we shall strike the Wasps.

Elizant: They most certainly have seized the Rubber Prison as we speak.

Elizant: That is the only known way inside the Giant's Lair from Bugaria.

Elizant: But right now we will move to the Forsaken Lands. I will need an escort to ensure I arrive at the Termite Kingdom.

Elizant: Team Snakemouth, I shall wait for you in the Golden Path Tunnel. The old entrance to the Forsaken Lands is located there.

Elizant: Also, Vanessa, please feel free to stay at our palace.

Elizant: We do not have much to offer, but we will make sure to treat you as you deserve.

Vanessa: Why, you have my gratitude Elizant. It seems you misjudge your ability to impress and court!

Vanessa: Our mothers may have had trouble in the past, but we can change the relationship between Ants and Wasps for generations to come.

Elizant: ...Is that so? Then let us share a meal when this is all dealt with.

Elizant: Team Snakemouth, we must hurry. Do not keep me waiting.

Zaryant: Team Snakemouth... Please protect the Queen.

Leif: You can count on us.

Textbox: Chapter 6: Assault on Rubber Prison

Ant Palace, Main Room

[Story, ch6, walking out of throne room]

Mothiva: What's going on? What's the big ruckus?

Kabbu: Well, you see...

Zasp: What!? To think this would happen behind our backs…

Mothiva: This is your fault! How dare you all lose!

Maki: We did what we could. At least we can say we were present.

Mothiva: Why you…

Kina: Mothiva... You've gotta learn to shut up sometimes!

Zasp: Watch your mouth, pink freak.

Maki: Watch your mouth, lest it suffers an unfortunate strike.

(minibubble) Kina: Hehe, Maki~!

Mothiva: Shut it! Or we'll take you all on right now!

Leif: We can't afford to waste any time. We can argue when the kingdom's safe.

Maki: Hmph. It's good to see some have their priorities straight. We'll go ahead on our task now. Try not to beat each other up.

(minibubble) Yin: Muh muh!

Kabbu: Must we always have these quarrels?

Mothiva: Well, duh! Do you know how frustrating it is to live in your short, meager shadow!?

Vi: Come on! We've beat you once already! Shut up!

(minibubble) Leif: Take a hint.

Zasp: As if you're the only team who's grown.

Mothiva: Whatever. We'll settle this later. Can't get too agitated before my show today.

Leif: You're a paragon of chivalry... Anyways, we're off to the Termite Kingdom, so don't bother us.

(minibubble) Zasp: (The Termite Kingdom? ...Interesting.)

Mothiva: Don't care. See you, dorks!

Kabbu: Sigh… Let's uh, prepare and head to the meeting point…

Rubber Prison, Giant Lair Bridge


Fuff: N-No! You won't pass! No one can pass!!!

Vi: Knock it off! You already lost!



Fuff: I...I MUST FOLLOW...

Kabbu: T-This isn't normal!

Leif: That Wasp in the kingdom said everyone'd gone nuts…

Leif: Could this one be controlled too?

Vi: Just let us pass!


Vi: ...That works.

Leif: That king employs such distasteful tactics.

Leif: Let's leave this poor guy to the Ant Kingdom.

Kabbu: Indeed. Let's secure the area so reinforcements can come in.

Kabbu: Then, we'll have to give swift chase!

Kabbu: I will send the signal!

Mothiva: Ohohoho! The cavalry's here! Aren't you glad?

Celia: Great work clearing the way, Team Snakemouth!

Eri: Yeah. It's gonna be smooth sailing from here!

Maki: We cannot celebrate yet. The Wasp King is brutally powerful.

Kina: He's gonna pay for bruising you!

Yin: Muh muh!

Elizant: Indeed. But for now, we are fortunate to have gotten this far.

Vanessa: Are we sure it's alright with everyone having come?

Elizant: Queen Bianca has gracefully offered to protect the Ant Kingdom while we fulfill this mission.

Vi: Woah, I thought she was a super pacifist!

Zasp: Can't reason with a mad bug.

Elizant: My knights and trusted explorers! Make your final preparations. We venture into Giant's Lair - No Bug's Land!

Elizant: None have returned from it. We have no legends, no way to know what's inside.

Elizant: But if we do not face this challenge, we don't deserve tomorrow's freedom! Let us pray to Venus and charge!

Levi: What a magnificent rally! I'm pumped up!

Leif: Hmm. She's come far, hasn't she?

Kabbu: Even you were moved, eh Leif?

Vi: Time to kick some butt!

Vanessa: It's time...Bugaria will be saved today, but I too will reclaim my people. Let's go!

Mothiva: Idols first!

Kina: Heh. I've been polishing my darts…

Kina: That jerk messed with the wrong family!

Giant's Lair, Fridge Outside


Mothiva: This place is absolutely DREADFUL! I've sung in worn down pubs fancier than this.

Kina: Those Dead Landers aren't anything to mess with, either.

Elizant: I pray we won't run into too many of them climbing this behemoth.

Zasp: It seems to be a machine. The giants handled power at such a large scale...

Kabbu: A-And it's a bit chilly near it!

Leif: It reminds us of the Lost Sands' Castle.

Vi: Well, whatever. It can be as tall and as cold as it wants. We're gonna climb it!

Mothiva: Such a simple mind…

(minibubble) Yin: Muh muh muh!

Maki: Let's go in, then...! Wait!

Elizant: What is it?

Maki: Everyone, we've been surrounded!

Vi: E-Eep! What the heck!? When!?

Leif: We should fall back!

Zasp: There's no way out. They've completely pincered us!

Kabbu: Everyone, there is no choice! We fight as one!

Elizant: Well spoken, my knight. I shall assist thee as well!


Zasp: Good thing the others stayed back. That was close…

Mothiva: N-Not at all…

(minibubble) Mothiva: Phew...

Maki: Everyone, you did splendidly. The coast is clear!

Kina: Well, duh. You were with us!

Elizant: Let's press forward. We need to find a way to get the others to come over.

Leif: We were fortunate to have help…

Kabbu: The Dead Landers must be slowing the Wasp King down as well. Let's catch up!

Kina: Even though it's super old, that machine's still working. The giants made pretty sturdy stuff!

Giant's Lair, Roach Village

Kina: What a dumb delay... I'm ready to fight alongside Maki!

Giant’s Lair, Stove

[story, walk towards roach]

Roach: H-Help...

Kabbu: Are you alright!?

Roach: That monster...he put the place on fire and rushed through the flames...!

Zasp: Through the flames!? That's…

Leif: Even our Bubble Shield couldn't pull that off...

Roach: Ngh... The sapling...

Maki: Save your strength. Everything's fine now!

Mothiva: Ugh. You just had to say that, didn't you.

Elizant: Everyone, protect this Roach!

Vi: I was just waiting for you to say it!


Roach: I-Incredible...! You took out the constructs so fast!

Leif: They were like those in the Sand Castle…

Roach: They're usually harmless, but that monster's appearance riled them up…

Zasp: As if that wall of flames wasn't enough trouble.

Elizant: We'll have to find a way to cross, or shut them off.

Mothiva: Even MORE of them!?

Roach: W-What did we even do to them…

Maki: Team Snakemouth. My Queen. Leave these to Kina and I.

Zasp: Trying to hog all the glory, eh?

Kina: Stop being annoying. We need you to turn off that fire!

Elizant: Team Mothiva. Team Snakemouth. I will remain to assist Maki in defending the village.

Roach: A-A Queen will do that for us!?

Kabbu: A-Are you sure? We could stay as well!

Elizant: Time is of the essence. I need your teams to quell those flames!

Elizant: Make haste! Bugaria is counting on you!

Leif: We'll be back before you know it.

Vi: Yeah! Let's go!

Mothiva: Try not to slow us down. Ohohohoho!

Kina: This place sucks. But it's nice to fight with Maki, you know?

[story, turn off flames]

Kabbu: W-We did it! Besting those fierce flames by hitting a switch…

Vi: Alright! Let's go meet up with the others!

Mothiva: Oh my. You didn't take as long as I expected you to.

Leif: Whatever. Queen Elizant, how is the Roach?

Elizant: We sent him home when the flames were doused.

Elizant: There were many "constructs", but we defeated all of them.

Vi: Nice job!

Kina: The Wasp King's gotta be up ahead for real now.

Maki: Hearing he crossed those flames by himself... I'm still quite shocked.

Yin: Muh!

Kabbu: Everyone, we must not falter. With our combined might, we are Bugaria's hope!

Elizant: Well spoken, Kabbu. It's time for the final battle!

Vi: Heheh. He's got no chance if we're all together!

Leif: Yeah. Even Mothiva should be able to help out a little.

Mothiva: EXCUSE ME!?

Zasp: Don't doubt it. We'll pull our weight.

Elizant: Everyone. Let's go!

Giant’s Lair, Sapling Plains

[third health down]

Hoaxe: It... Can't... Be...!!

Kabbu: Have...have we won!?

Hoaxe: You... How DARE you...!!!

Leif: You can't regenerate forever!

Vi: Y-Yeah! Shut up and give up already!

Hoaxe: I...I AM...ETERNAL...So what if you're STRONG?!

Hoaxe: I...AM IMMORTAL...I…



Kabbu: Impossible! After such a long fight, you won't concede!?

Leif: It won't end like this!


Hoaxe: THIS POWER! IS… -GRUHH!?!?!

Hoaxe: NO!

Hoaxe: It... Itwasmeanttobe... INFINITE!

Hoaxe: .............…

Hoaxe: N-no... It can't…



Vi: W-what happened?!

Kabbu: What a pitiful end…

Leif: His greed and cruelty led him to this.

Vi: ...We got super lucky...

Zasp: ...Is it over?

Mothiva: ...You really did it! Wow.

Kina: Team've saved us all!

Elizant: I truly thought we were doomed.

Vi: ...So he's like, a tree now?

Elizant: Is this also an Everlasting Sapling?

Leif: ...No. There is no magic coming from him.

Leif: He truly is just a tree, as Vi said.

Kina: That's weird...why'd he transform?

Elizant: The Everlasting Sapling's power was said to be infinite... Was that a myth as well?

Zasp: There's nothing truly infinite, is there?

(minibubble) Mothiva: My beauty!

Vi: He was so strong, though!

Leif: Perhaps he was simply unable to control its power.

Leif: Maybe it was sealed for the safety of others…

Vi: Can we think about it later, though? It's still dangerous here and stuff.

Kabbu: Wait, Vi. What should we do with the tree?

Maki: Perhaps we should strike it down? Just in case?

Elizant: …

Elizant: Lower your blade, Maki.

Maki: Your Highness?

Elizant: It will remain as a symbol of our long struggle. Of our journey for the sapling.

Elizant: A warning to not seek its power any longer…

Vi: Can't we put like, a cooler statue here or something?

Vi: Like a Team Snakemouth statue!

Elizant: No.

(minibubble) Vi: Aw...

Kabbu: Heheheh. Vi, you've truly made this journey something else!

Leif: You too, Kabbu. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Mothiva: You're not gonna get sappy in this dreadful dumpster, are you?

Kabbu: W-Well, it's kind of emotional for me…

Mothiva: Look, the Wasp King is gone, and we have technically found the Everlasting Sapling!

Mothiva: We should celebrate with a big show!

Zasp: ...Or at least rest.

Elizant: ...Hah! Well, it does sound good.

Elizant: We've completed our mission, after all.

Elizant: But first, let us inform the Roaches of what has occurred.

Leif: ...Elizant?

Elizant: Yes, Leif?

Leif: Are you truly satisfied with this?

Leif: Your mother will remain sleeping forever…

Elizant: …

Elizant: Everything I said in the village was true.

Elizant: I...would not place that wish over my people's needs.

Elizant: But no, I'm not satisfied. It was a sacrifice, after all. It was my duty.

Leif: ...Thank you. You've grown into a fine queen. And now we can say it for sure.

Elizant: Thank you too, Leif. I can tell you served my mother and I earnestly, despite your doubts.

Elizant: Let's go. This is no place for us anymore.

Leif: Lead the way, our Queen.

Giant's Lair, Roach Village

[story, post-battle]

Elder: ...So that's it, then. The Everlasting Sapling is no more...

Roach 1:What should we do now, Elder? What are we meant to protect?

Elizant: This is still your home, sapling or not. You can protect it with heart.

Elizant: But if you'd like to visit greener pastures…

Elizant: You are welcome in Bugaria. All of our Kingdoms would have you.

Elder: Bugaria... We've only heard the tales our ancestors left us.

Elder: I fear I've grown too used to this small town and its Scorpions.

Elder: I will be okay, staying here.

Roach 1: Elder…

Elder: Everyone! You are not bound to this land any longer.

Elder: You need not fight monsters and forage for food.

Elder: Nor fear sleeping in case of an're free.

Elder: Those who wish to go to Bugaria, don't stay fearing for my sake.

Elder: After all, you can always visit!

Roach 1: ...Thank you. Thank you, our elder!

Roach 2: No offense, but I'm outta here!

Roach 3: I can't leave the Scorpions, but thanks for offering.

Roach 2: I'll miss mine, but I want to see the world!

Leif: Our Queen, you've caused quite a stir.

Vi: It's cuz they can have adventures now, too!

Kabbu: Heheh. Indeed. It makes me want to go beyond Bugaria as well!

Elizant: Team Snakemouth! We depart! We have a feast to attend to!

Elizant: I trust you won't keep us waiting!

Mothiva: Or I'll start the show without you, don't doubt it!

Maki: Well, I've got quite the report to write, so…

Kina: I'll help you! We're not missing the food!

Zasp: Heheheh. Mothiva's in quite the mood.

Zasp: I'm just glad we survived. All thanks to you.

Kabbu: You helped us as well! It was truly a team effort!

Zasp: ...Let's work together again, sometime.

Vi: Aww, why can't he be nice with Mothiva around?

Leif: Dunno. Pride or something?

Kabbu: As long as we know his true feelings, it's fine!

Leif: There's a lot we want to say, but...let's go celebrate.

Vi: Heck yeah! I'm super hungry!

Kabbu: Thank you, Vi...Leif...for helping me experience the adventure of a lifetime.

Kabbu: If my team could see me now...I hope they'd be happy for me.

Leif: More than that, they'd be proud.

Vi: Yeah! You're a super explorer now!

Kabbu: ...Heheh. No, just part of an incredible team!

Kabbu: Now, for our final mission: Let's head to the castle!

Textbox: Battling through Rubber Prison and the Dead Lands, Team Snakemouth discovered the Roaches' Village.

Textbox: Resolving to destroy the Everlasting Sapling, they faced the Wasp King with determination.

Textbox: And so, after a long journey and many harsh fights, Team Snakemouth and their comrades defeated the Wasp King.

Textbox: Although the Everlasting Sapling's chapter has closed, a new one begins.

Textbox: ...It's time to celebrate!

Far Grasslands, Clearing

[Quest: Confidential]

Kina: Hurry up... I want to get out of here...

Kina: So what's the big plan?

Maki: Yin brought me here once. I believe it's where she was born.

Maki: She may have been waiting to come back to mature…

Leif: Is there any basis for that?

Maki: ...Well, no. But trust me on this one.

Kabbu: That we will. But why did you require our assistance?

Vi: Yeah. You made it here all by your- Aw crud!

Maki: For I suspected this might happen!

Vi: You could've told us before!

Kina: Maki, explaining his plans? Please…

Maki: Not now, Kina!

Leif: They were probably attracted by the energy Yin's giving off.

Maki: Don't let them get near Yin! We must protect her until she pupates!

Kabbu: Team, let us stop them!


Kabbu: Oof. Seems we managed to ward them off.

Yin: …

Yin: ...Ma...M-Maki...!

Maki: Yin, you know my name?

Kina: Oh, great. She can talk now…

Yin: N...Nice to you!

Kabbu: A-Aww! Nice to meet you too!

Maki: Thank you, Team Snakemouth. You helped me keep her safe.

Vi: Yin's our friend too! It's fine!

Leif: She's got quite potent magic...wonder what'll come of it.

Yin: Ma...magic!

Kina: ...Well...back to the castle with us. Right, brother?

Maki: Not yet. First, let me reward you for everything you've done.

Kabbu: S-Sir Maki! These items are…

Maki: About the least I could give you, don't worry.

Leif: We'll make good use of them.

Maki: Is that so? Well, we've been looking for sparring partners.

Vi: Huh? Like...fight you for real?

Kina: Yeah. Brother needs some real challengers!

Maki: If you're know where to find us.

Leif: Uh, not really. You're always moving around…

Maki: ...The Ant Palace's bridge.

Kabbu: W-We'll think about it!


Ant Palace, Bridge

[Quest: Confidential]

Maki: Team Snakemouth. I was hoping you would be the ones to take my request.

Vi: What's up with Yin?

Leif: She's become a pupa?

Kina: Ugh, yeah. After the ceremony she just...woke up like this.

Kabbu: She should mature soon, then!

Maki: I doubt it. You see, I've been researching Yin…

Maki: In the first place, she shouldn't have been a caterpillar for so long.

Leif: Are you worried she'll get stuck as a pupa?

(minibubble) Kina: I wish.

Maki: Yeah. But I've got a theory.

Maki: After you enter the Far Grasslands, head west and then keep walking north.

Maki: I'll explain everything there.

Vi: Gotcha. We'll meet up there!

Kina: *Sigh* Don't keep us waiting, okay?

[after completing quest]

Kina: Yin's not that annoying when you can understand her…

Kina: D-Don't tell her I said that!!!

[if you beat Kina then Yin]

Kina: W-WHAT!? You're powering up 'cuz YIN went down!?


Maki: I-It's not like that, Kina... Yin's barely an adult!

[win, first time]

Maki: Incredible...I must admit it, you're all incredibly strong.

Kina: Bleh...I couldn't impress Maki…

Yin: You di...did good, K-Kina!

(minibubble) Kina: ...

Vi: Y-You're strong too, wow!

Leif: It was our honor.

Kabbu: I...I feel like we're truly equal explorers now!

Maki: That's one way to look at it.

Maki: You probably spent a lot of items in that battle...use this to replenish your inventory.

Maki: If you ever want to spar again, let us know. We've learned quite a bit.

Vi: You got it!

Npc Spies

[Explorer’s Association, before talking]

Kabbu: Dear me... Kina's always worrying about her brother, maybe a bit too much?

Leif: Can't blame her. Maki keeps running off by himself.

[Association, after talking]

Kabbu: Dear me... Kina's always worrying about her brother, maybe a bit too much?

Leif: Can't blame her. Maki keeps running off by himself.

Vi: S-she gets a bit scary. I don't blame HIM!

[Ant Palace, Main Room: bringing back second artifact]

Kabbu: We should head to the audience...

[Defiant Root, Entrance: ch3]

Leif: Kina's search for Maki continues…

Vi: That's cute and all, but she better not forget her job!

Kabbu: Knowing her, she's already finished. She's scary efficient when making time for Maki.

[DR: ch5]

Vi: Kina doesn't like Yin at all, huh.

Leif: She's way too overprotective of Maki.

Vi: Say it any louder and she'll smack us!

Kabbu: A fair warning...

[Rubber Prison, Giant Lair Bridge]

Kabbu: Everybody's here!

Vi: Yeah! We're good enough, but this is great!

Leif: It's very reassuring. Heh. We've made good friends.

Kabbu: We cannot afford to lose, for all of their sakes!

[Giant's Lair, Fridge Outside]

Kabbu: At least with everyone here, this place feels less oppressive.

Leif: It's only getting more dangerous as we go.

Vi: We can't stop! If the Wasp King can, we totally can too!

[Giant's Lair, Roach Village]

Kabbu: Our comrades are hurt…

Leif: Without them, we'd be even more hurt, as well…

Vi: Grr...That dumb Wasp King's the reason everyone got hurt! I'll show him!

[Giant’s Lair, Stove]

Kabbu: Everyone's counting on us. We must turn down those flames!

Leif: Easier said than done...

[Ant Palace, Bridge: before talking]

Kabbu: Sir Maki, Kina and Yin!

Leif: Yup. Let's see what's up.

[Ant Palace, Bridge: after completing quest]

Leif: Seems Kina and Maki finally stopped splitting up.

Vi: And she doesn't make the scary faces anymore!

Kabbu: I'm still relieved nothing happened to Maki in the Far Grasslands…

Kabbu: The massive guilt aside, Kina would've...*Gulp*

Enemy Spy

Extremely protective of her brother Maki, Kina forms the second half of Bugaria's best exploration team.

She is extremely capable and holds great strength. She is quite selfish, however. One would be hard-pressed to find her helping others without Maki or the Queen's orders.

She used to hold a great dislike for Yin, who she considered to be stealing Maki's attention.

Her favorite drink is the Aphid Shake.

Vi: W-Whoa, I thought Kina was just getting carried by Maki all this time! She's super fast!

Vi: It's gonna take some practice, but if we're gonna take this beating then we've gotta Super Block!

Kabbu: The bonds between Maki and Kina are true indeed. They fight perfectly coordinated!

Kabbu: There's too much pressure... We must Super Block if we are to endure this battle!

Leif: Yikes. Why was Maki even worried about you? Your skills are something else…

Leif: It'll take time to knock out one of them. We'll have to make our best effort to Super Block until then.