
Forsaken Lands, Miniboss


Elizant: Excellent work. The kingdom is within our reach, thanks to your efforts.

Vi: No problem!

Cross: Halt! Who goes there!

Poi: A Primal Weevil! The new radar is working as the professor hoped.

Poi: You there! You defeated this beast? You have our thanks.

Leif: As said before, no problem.

Elizant: You must be soldiers from the Termite Kingdom, or am I wrong?

Poi: ...!!! Cross, she's…

Cross: You're the Ant Queen! You dare tread our borders!?

Elizant: Indeed. I bear grave news. Bugaria - and your kingdom - are at risk of a great calamity.

Cross: ...What do we do, Poi? No one would cross these lands for a cruel joke.

Poi: It's not for us to decide.

Cross: Come on! What if it's really serious!

Kabbu: I-It is! I beg of you, you must let us talk to your rulers!

Elizant: Kabbu, you ought to let me do the negotiating.

(minibubble) Kabbu: Oops...

Poi: ...Alright. At the very least, you saved us the trouble of capturing this beast.

Cross: We'll meet you back at the gate after delivering the Weevil and informing the Royal Guard.

Cross: Please wait for us there.

Leif: You're taking it with you?

Poi: Nothing shady, I assure you. Just some research.

Vi: Right…

Elizant: Thank you for your concession. We'll meet you at the entrance.

Poi: I do warn you though, the King will not be happy to see you.

Cross: Nor the Queen. So best of luck.

Leif: That went well.

Elizant: As expected, Ants are still not welcome in their land. Such is our history.

Kabbu: It will be okay! This matter concerns every Bugarian!

Vi: Just do your magic Queen diplomacy!

Elizant: ...Let's go.

Termite Kingdom, Outside

[Story, ch6]

Poi: You're here, good.

Cross: You're free to go in. But Ant Queen... I'd suggest you go directly to the castle.

Cross: It's straight ahead from the plaza. The less people see you, the less fuss there will be.

Elizant: I understand. We thank you once more.

Poi: We've had many years of peace. Don't make us regret letting you in.

Kabbu: (To treat a Queen in that manner…)

Poi: We're watching over you so no funny business!

Termite Kingdom, Royal Chamber

Elizant: …

Leif: Um, Queen?

Elizant: Team Snakemouth.

Vi: You gonna go in?

Elizant: ...…

Elizant: I'm a bit nervous.

Leif: It's not often a Queen's the one requesting an audience.

Elizant: If only it was just that. I cannot help but think that if I fail, we are all doomed.

Kabbu: Queen, y-

Poi: So the report was true... To think someone like you would come here.

Cross: Our royals will now grace you. Don't pull anything funny.

Elizant: ...Let's go.

Hector: Oh my lovely, the guards just handed me a most jolly report!

Layra: Is that so? What is it, dear?

Hector: They said a visitor that will surprise us has arrived! They should be here soon!

Layra: Oh, my dear! It really is…

Hector: …

Hector: ........

Hector: YOU!!!

Hector: How DARE you walk into my hall, and break the moons long separation of our people?!

Elizant: Your eminences…

Hector: That is KING Hector IV and Queen Layra II for you, Ant!

Elizant: My apologies, King Hector. Queen Layra.


(minibubble) Elizant: ...

Layra: Dear, watch yourself. You'll faint from disgust.

Hector: ...What is your business!?

(minibubble) Hector: What?

Elizant: I won't mince words nor play around the issue. The Ant Kingdom has been raided by the Wasps.

Elizant: My people have been hurt, and the artifacts of old have been taken…

Layra: The artifacts? So you did find them after so much struggle…

Hector: And then you incompetently lost them!

Elizant: ...Indeed. The Wasp King holds power I had never witnessed.

Elizant: Even my loyal knights, Vi, Kabbu and Leif, had a hard time with the Wasp King.

Vi: Nice to meet you!

Kabbu: I-It is my honor.

(minibubble) Leif: Sup.

Hector: Hmph, threw away that Maki of yours?

Elizant: He was injured in the attack. It would have not been prudent for him to come.

Layra: Such a varied team... It seems just about anyone can get into Bugaria nowadays.

Vi: What's that supposed to mean?

Leif: Vi, you've gotta shut it this once.

(minibubble) Vi: Hmph.

Hector: What's it to us, then? You ruled poorly, and got your trinkets stolen.

Layra: You presume we should worry? As if our great defenses would be felled by some Wasps.

Layra: This dome of ours has survived storms without a single scratch.

Elizant: You truly think so? That the Wasp King, who's found the magic of flame…

Elizant: And will soon obtain the full power of the Everlasting Sapling, shall be of no threat to you?

Layra: F-Flame, you say?

Hector: That sapling is a darn myth, that drove your mother insane!

Hector: Oh, how many more moons we could have had with her, if she hadn't been so obsessed!

Elizant: It is NOT a myth!

Hector: Watch your tone, Ant!

Elizant: We found the mask, the tablet and the key. Or were those myths as well?!

Elizant: The King is heading towards the Giant's Lair, an area none dare to tread!

Elizant: He would lead a crazed army towards such a place based on simple hearsay? Open your eyes!

(minibubble) Hector: ...

(minibubble) Layra: ...

Elizant: You think I would travel the wasteland personally, and bear brunt to your crass tone…

Elizant: If all of Bugaria wasn't facing great peril? You think of me so pathetically!?

Elizant: I accepted and respected our treaty, after our negotiations turned sour.

Elizant: I am not asking you to change your mind in that regard…

Elizant: But if you care for your people, you won't turn a blind eye to the danger heading our way!?

Hector: Grr…

Layra: Dear, calm yourself. You're being blinded by the past.

Hector: You can't truly mean she's swayed you!

Layra: Ants are unrefined in many ways... They cannot match our intellect either.

Layra: But they do not yield under pressure, and work very hard. It is nature's way.

Layra: I know you speak the truth, Queen Elizant II.

Hector: Layra, you were always too soft!

Layra: And you too stubborn. That's why I am by your side.

Hector: ...…

Hector: ...What would you ask of us?

Elizant: Although it would be for the best for our nations to try and reconcile…

Elizant: Right now, what we need is a way to head towards the Giant's Lair.

Leif: A way to cross the sea.

Layra: Dear, weren't the scientists…

Hector: You mean that? You'd TRUST them with that?!

Layra: Oh, it's missing just a few touches. It'd be a fun test ride.

(minibubble) Hector: *grumble*

Elizant: Will you help us, then, in protecting Bugaria?

Hector: I'm not convinced!

(minibubble) Layra: Dear...

Hector: You say your knights lost to that puny Wasp? You think our soldiers wouldn't match up?

Hector: I wish for proof of the enemy's strength.

Leif: We do not think you'd wish for their visit upon your kingdom…

Hector: That still needs some time to be completed.

Hector: Before then, I would have you participate in our ancient tradition.

Layra: Ah... The Colosseum!

Kabbu: You'd have us fight for sport?

Vi: That's my type of diplomacy!

(minibubble) Kabbu: Vi...

Hector: If your people best our brave warriors, then we might be in a real pickle.

Hector: Your knights will face off in glorious combat, and then I shall decide!

Elizant: You won't let me join them?

Layra: I would like for you and I to discuss some other matters as the fight goes on...if you don't mind.

Kabbu: Leave it to us, my Queen! We'll do well!

Leif: Mhm. They'll see we're not joking around.

Vi: It's been a while since a public smackdown!

Hector: You will find the Colosseum around the residential district of our kingdom.

Hector: Do not dally. Your kingdom is against the clock, after all.

Layra: We'll start the ceremony shortly after you arrive.

Layra: I hope you can provide a good show!

Elizant: My apologies, Team Snakemouth. But I will be counting on you.

Elizant: Do not fail!

Kabbu: You can count on us, your majesty!

Vi: Let's go to the Colosseum!

Termite Kingdom, Colosseum Arena

[post-first battle]

Leif: Child's play.

Crowd: WOO!

Crowd: VI!

Crowd: KABBU!

Crowd: LEIF!

Crowd: YEAH!

Crowd: LET'S GO!

Hector: Hmph. Child's play indeed! It's time for our second act!

Hector: You will now face Cross and Poi! The bravest of our border guards!

Cross: Well, it's nice to see you again.

Poi: We won't go easy on you, give it your all.

Kabbu: It was your trust that got us this far. We will honor you with a good fight!

Vi: Yeah, yeah. Let's go!

[post-second battle]

Cross: H-Hngh…

Poi: I-Incredible…

Kabbu: Please forgive us for having to beat you up.

Leif: Eh, it's all in good sport.

Crowd: Wow...

Crowd: They beat Poi!

Crowd: Even Cross!?

Crowd: No way...

Hector: H-Hmph! So you have some skill!

Layra: Oh my... Dear, Poi and Cross are not easily beat.

Hector: W-Whatever! You're not claiming victory so easily!

Hector: Now, you will face a captured creature that instills fear in the most hardened veteran!

Layra: Oh!? You'll... Are you sure!?


Leif: ...Oh. He doesn't know, huh.

Vi: We've gotta beat it AGAIN!?

Mothiva: No, no no! What a dull show, don't you all think?

Mothiva: My dear public deserves better, so much better!

Crowd: That voice!

Crowd: Is that!?

Crowd: She's...!

Mothiva: That's right! It's me! Your one! Your only! The most loved in the Termite Kingdom!

Crowd: MOTHIVA!!

Hector: O-Oh!!! It's Mothiva!

Layra: Ohohoho! Her voice is smooth as ever!

Zasp: Sup.

Kabbu: W-What are you doing here!?

Mothiva: No way we'd let you steal any Queen's graces.

Mothiva: When I heard you were coming...I just had to crash this party!

Leif: What do you gain from making this harder for us?

Vi: Yeah! We're on the same team!

Zasp: This show is to prove the enemy's strength. But also your strength, Team Snakemouth.

Zasp: If we defeat you, we'll show we're superior to you.

Mothiva: And then the Queen's gonna HAVE to tag us along!

Kabbu: This is ridiculous! You realize you could be dooming us all!?

Kabbu: What if the Termite King loses trust in the Queen!?

Kabbu: What if you lose to the Wasp King without our help!?

Kabbu: Have you gone completely, utterly insane!? Have you lost all intelligence!

Mothiva: Yikes. You're overthinking this WAY too much.

Mothiva: The Ant Kingdom's way better in our hands than with you LOSERS.


Mothiva: I said we'd NEVER speak of that again!

Leif: ...Zasp. You've helped us many times. Can't you talk some sense into her?

Zasp: Don't misunderstand. I'm not doing this only for Mothiva.

Zasp: ...Although it's a pretty big reason.

Vi: Ugh, I want the Primal Weevil back.

Mothiva: Just SHUT UP and fight, you cowards! Let's get the crowd WILD AND CHEERING!

Crowd: MOTHIVA!!

Crowd: MOTHIVA!!

Crowd: MOTHIVA!!

Crowd: (T-team Snakemouth!)

Hector: Hehehehe! I agree! Anything to see Mothiva perform!

Layra: How serendipitous. I'm looking forward to this.

Hector: The fight starts...NOW!

[subsequent colosseum challenges]

[post-first battle]

Leif: Child's play.

Crowd: WOO!

Crowd: VI!

Crowd: KABBU!

Crowd: LEIF!

Crowd: YEAH!

Crowd: LET'S GO!

Hector: Hmph. Child's play indeed! It's time for our second act!

Hector: You will now face Cross and Poi! The bravest of our border guards!

Cross: Well, it's nice to see you again...again.

Poi: We've learned from last time. We'll give it our all!

Kabbu: We've grown too. Be ready!

[post-second battle]

Cross: H-Hngh…

Poi: N-Not again…

Leif: Good fight. Let's do it again sometime.

Crowd: Wow...

Crowd: They beat Poi!

Crowd: Even Cross!?

Crowd: No way...

Hector: Now, for the main attraction!

Layra: My favorite part!


Leif: A shame it was captured just for this.

Vi: It loves fighting, don't feel sorry for it! Let's go!

Npc Spy

Leif: The guards in this kingdom are varied, huh. In shape and all.

Kabbu: I've heard this kind of Termite holds a potent cannon in its head!

Vi: They're BORN with a cannon? Why do Bees get like, one tiny stinger!?

(minibubble) Kabbu: (I...I like my horn...and digging...)

Enemy Spy

Poi is a disciplined border guard who follows the law to the letter. He makes sure to keep his partner Cross on track.

He uses a sword to complement his naturally long-range attacks.

Vi: This guy's bonkers... He's got a cannon on his head!

Vi: We just have to show them we're a much stronger team!

Kabbu: Our apologies, Poi. We know you're just doing your job.

Kabbu: Everyone, watch out for his sword and cannon! We must fight with honor!

Leif: Tough luck, getting sent to fight us as part of the job.

Leif: The head cannon and sword are a nasty combo... We can't let our guard down.

Leif: Termites handle the cold well. Guess it's up to us if we want to gamble on it.