Riz’s Father

Far Grasslands, Fishing Village

[first entrance from submarine]

Riz’s Father: Hm? Riz there didn't raise a ruckus? Well, hello...

[After defeating Riz]

Riz’s Father: It's a perfect day to fish for worms, ain't it?

Npc Spies

[first entrance from submarine]

Kabbu: It seems this is actually a small village!

Leif: They seem a bit wary... Have we intruded?

[After defeating Riz]

Vi: Fishing SUCKS!

Leif: How rude. You have no concept of patience.

Kabbu: Indeed. Fishing soothes the soul, and even provides food!

Kabbu: My master and I used to sit long hours just to fish and chat…

Vi: ...I uh, respect that. But it won't make me like fishing...