Tournament Guard

Metal Lake, Inn

Guard: Halt! Only those who have proof that they have mastered the way of the card may enter!

Textbox: We have proof!



[We have proof!]

Guard: Show it to me, then!

[incorrect item]

Guard: ...What is this!? This is not proof! Don't waste my time!

[bug ranger plush]

Guard: ...That girly doll is not proof!

Kabbu: G-girly?!

Vi: Woah! Brutal!

Guard: Don't waste my time! Bring me proof or you shall not pass!

[full suit card]

Guard: ...

Guard: I apologize for my previous behavior, masters.

Guard: You are welcome in the great hall of the Spy Card Champions! Please proceed.


Guard: Only those who have defeated all Card Masters of Bugaria and obtained the proof of their skill may pass beyond this gate!

Guard: Begone if you have no proof!


Guard: Without proof, you may not pass! Begone!

[talk after showing full suit card]

Guard: You are welcome in the great hall of the Spy Card Champions! Please proceed.

Npc Spy

Kabbu: Is that...custom made armor? To guard a card game?

Leif: Are you implying Spy Cards does not deserve such a thing?

Kabbu: Ah, um…

Vi: Of course it doesn't! It's just a children's card game!

Leif: Tch. You're so clueless...