
Ant Palace, Throne Room

Lieutenant: You now stand before Your Majesty, Queen Elizant II.

Leif: (So it's true.)

Elizant: Hmm. So you're the brave ones who've found the Snakemouth Artifact?

Elizant:...Wonderful. So very wonderful!

Elizant: Lieutenant, you are dismissed. You have your own business to attend to.

(minibubble) Lieutenant: As you wish, my Queen.

Elizant: Time is precious. Let us not waste it. The artifact. You may hand it over.

Textbox: Reward first!

Meh. Fine.

[Reward first!]

Vi: Nuh uh! I want to see the reward first!

Kabbu: V-Vi! Have you gone MAD!?


Elizant: Oh hohoho! A feisty one, aren't you? Few dare to speak to me with such insolence.

Elizant: Maki, you truly have a keen judge of character.

Elizant: Count your blessings, explorer. Few do I spare the rod in respect to their accomplishments.

Zaryant: Y-your Majesty! They are not worthy of being in your presence! Much less your pardon!

Elizant: Stay put, Zaryant. They accomplished what your squad failed to do, didn't they?

Zaryant: Ngh…

Elizant: Do not forget your place, young bee. Complete the transaction quickly.

(minibubble) Zaryant: ...As you command.

[Meh. Fine.]

Vi: Just like that, huh?

Kabbu: (She wasn't expecting to keep it, was she!?)

Vi: Here you go!

Elizant: Marvelous. Now, please hand over her reward, and complete the transaction.

(minibubble) Zaryant: As you command!

Elizant: Ah... A clue into the Everlasting Sapling my mother spent her life looking for…

Elizant: Such beauty. Beauty which should belong to the Ant Kingdom...

Zaryant: Here, you've earned this.

Vi: W-Woah! This is a ton!

Elizant: Brave explorers! You've performed a valiant task. Your place in the history of our kingdom is assured.

Maki: Congratulations. It is praise well-earned!

Kabbu: O-Of course! Thank you, Your Highness!

Vi: Heheh. First bee in the hall of fame!

Leif: Uh. Thanks. Could we ask something, though?

Elizant: I suppose we could afford time for one question. What would it be?


Zaryant: What? What is this fuss about!?

Ant Guard: U-urgent news! Confidential information! It's about... that!

Elizant: That, you say? Come hither.

Elizant: !!! I see...

Elizant: Maki. I leave you to your mission. While you're at it, inform Artis that the next expedition is confirmed.

Maki: Of course. I shall move out at once, Your Highness.

Elizant: You three...I'll bless you with a head start. Zaryant, brief them about the Golden Hills expedition.

Zaryant: Heed me. Reports state that an ancient artifact lurks in the Golden Hills.

Zaryant: This is a small rural settlement behind our kingdom. It can be reached through a tunnel south from the Explorers' Association.

Vi: Uh, isn't that Bee Kingdom territory?

Elizant: Do not dare interrupt us again, child.

Elizant: The Bee Kingdom is our close ally. They are, of course, aware of our expedition.

Elizant: Now... Talk to the locals, obtain information, and seize the artifact. No matter the cost.

Elizant: Have you understood my command?

Textbox: Of course!

Can you repeat that?

[Of course!]

Zaryant: Alright then. Take this map, just in case. Although, I'd hope you know how to head south...

Leif: Err, thanks. So, about our question…

Elizant: Whatever it was, I am sure it can wait. This is of utmost importance. Head out!

(minibubble) Leif: Tch...

Zaryant: Do not make Your Majesty repeat herself. Move out!

Vi: Geez, alright. Let's go!

Kabbu: Indeed. It'd be unwise to anger our Queen...

Textbox: Chapter 2: Sacred Golden Hills

Leif: …

Zaryant: You three! Stop bothering the Queen and go!

(minibubble) Vi: Geez…

Zaryant: Mind your manners. You may be explorers of high caliber, but we are all in service of the Queen.

(minibubble) Leif:...

[returning with the Tablet]

Neo: Oh! You've all come! I must say, you're just in time.

Leif: (It's really crowded… those questions will have to wait.)

Elizant: Tell us without further ado, Team Snakemouth. Have you found the artifact hidden in the Golden Hills?

Vi: Yup! We're ready for that reward!

Elizant: Wonderful! This timing is simply impeccable.

Elizant: I must congratulate you, for bringing this artifact to my care.

Elizant: This must be sign of even more good things to come. For the Ant Kingdom and Bugaria.

Kabbu: It was our honor, Your Highness!

Elizant: Zaryant, please collect the artifact and hand them their rewards.

Zaryant: As you command, my Queen.

Zaryant: You have earned this, Team Snakemouth.

Vi: Heheh. Thanks again! The Vi Bank keeps filling!

Neo: Oh! M-may I take a look, as we discussed?

Elizant: Yes. Make haste, Zaryant.

Zaryant: Handle it with care, Professor.

Neo: O-Of course!

Neo: Yes...YES! My research held true!

Neo: This tablet must contain information on how to find the Everlasting Sapling!

Vi: What? But that's just a bunch of blue lines!

Neo: Oho, Vi! That's where that mask you found in Snakemouth comes in!

Kina: I-It really was a mask!? I thought it was just a weird rock…

Kabbu: Heheh, so I was right!

Leif: Don't boast, Kabbu.

Neo: Listen now, the mask is an interpreter! Through it, these lines morph into the Roach Alphabet!

(minibubble) Kina: (Who cares...)

Neo: I cannot tell how it actually works, but the Roaches had such marvelous technology! I'm smitten!

Elizant: Wonderful... Very, very wonderful...!

Elizant: We are making progress in finding the sapling. Finally.

Leif: What do you need the Everlasting Sapling for?

Elizant: ...That is not for you to know.

Leif: Tch…

Elizant: Just know, that with it my mother's dream will come true at last.

Leif: (Elizant's dream?)

Elizant: Professor. How long will it take you to decipher this tablet?

Neo: Oh, will be some time. Even with the mask, the runes are still in Roach Script. S-Sorry.

Elizant: I see. Fret not, that leaves us with time to retrieve the other artifact.

Celia: There's another one?

Neo: Mhm. My research indicates there are three artifacts.

Neo: With the missing key, we can "unlock" the Everlasting Sapling!

Levi: Then...we're almost at the finish line!

Neo: YES! And given what we know, the key should be in the Bee Kingdom!

Vi: R-Really?

Neo: Long ago, before knowing of its real nature, they used it when building the Honey Factory's Core.

Neo: But I'm not sure if they will give it to us, because taking it out will shut down the whole thing…

Vi: It'll shut down the factory? B-But...

Zaryant: Do not worry, both of you.

Zaryant: We have sent our envoys to the Bee Kingdom ever since you told us about the key.

Zaryant: Finally, they have agreed to let us take it, in exchange for materials to build a replacement.

Kabbu: That is wonderful!

Neo: Oh, joy! Then it won't cause them any trouble!

Kina: So the job's trading these materials for the artifact?

Elizant: Precisely. That is your next mission.

Elizant: And luckily, a young Bee joined your ranks recently. She will be of great help in this mission.

(minibubble) Kabbu: Vi...

Vi: …

(minibubble) Leif: Oh right...

Celia: Geez. Team Snakemouth is on a roll, aren't they?

Levi: It's all fair game, Celia. We have our own tasks to excel at.

Elizant: With that, you are all dismissed.

Elizant: Except Team Snakemouth and Team Celia. I wish to have a word with you.

Kina: Well, guess we'll be going now…

(minibubble) Kina: I wish Maki was here...

Elizant: Now, I've kept you here to ask about the wasp situation.

Elizant: The professor has mentioned you all helped him when he was attacked. For that, you have my gratitude.

(minibubble) Neo: ...

Levi: We are unworthy, Your Highness. We only did what any explorer ought to.

(minibubble) Kabbu: S-So cool...

Celia: It was worrying, though. They seem to know about the artifacts somehow…

Elizant: Then it is as I feared. We are running out of time.

Elizant: You must all remain on guard, and avoid the northern border with the Wasp Kingdom at all costs.

Levi: As you wish, Your Highness.

Elizant: To reach the Bee Kingdom, you must travel southeast from the Association, and take the first north exit.

Elizant: With my permission, explorers may now cross the passage to the Lost Sands.

Zaryant: Be wary, however. The number of bandits in the Lost Sands has been increasing lately.

Zaryant: Head straight to Defiant Root as soon as possible, to enter the Bee Hive.

(minibubble) Vi: ...

Kabbu: We will get it done, Your Highness!

(minibubble) Leif: Uh huh...

Zaryant: Dismissed!

Textbox: Chapter 3: Factory Inspection

Levi: That being said, we do have some things to take care of first.

Levi: If you have time, perhaps you could check out the Quest Board in the Plaza...?

Celia: Try not to clear the mission too quickly, so we may catch up!

Leif: No promises.

Zaryant: Head to the Bee Kingdom through the Lost Sands. The passage is on the east side of the Association.

[returning with first Key half]

Elizant: Team Snakemouth, it is my joy to see you return with good news once more.

Leif: We've brought the artifact, Elizant.

Mothiva: And by WE he means all of us, isn't that right?

Vi: Nah-

Kabbu: Indeed. Without Zasp, Mothiva, Gen and Eri we might have not succeeded.

(minibubble) Vi: Oi!

Neo: Heheh. It's nice to see you all working as a team!

Elizant: Today marks a historic day. We have finally found all the artifacts! If only words could show my gratitude.

Elizant: Zaryant, please hand them their reward. I can only hope it's enough to mark this wonderful day.

(minibubble) Zaryant: As you command!

Mothiva: My, this might have been worth the trouble. A new brooch is coming!

(minibubble) Vi: Woohoo!

Neo: M-May I?

Elizant: Inspect it, professor. Mark the end of this long search!

Neo: Oh, crud. Ah heck. Splinters.

Elizant: ...Speak. Now.

Neo: This...isn't the whole artifact!

Everyone: WHAT!?

Elizant: Explain yourself! NOW! Was this not in your notes!?

Neo: L-Look, this artifact has a small mechanism at the bottom… It's missing a half!

Kabbu: A half? Curses! Where would we even start to look?

Elizant: We were so close! Time is running out…

Leif: What do you mean?

Zaryant: The Wasp Kingdom grows bolder each day. We hoped we could gather them all before they made their move.

Vi: T-Their move? Are they going to invade or something?

Zasp: Calm yourselves down. We just need to find the other half quickly.

Delilah: Is that so? You're gonna love this, then!

Kabbu: Oh! Stratos! Delilah!

[if you haven’t talked to them ever]

Vi: Err...who?

Elizant: My esteemed scout team. You have something to share?

Stratos: If we overheard right, a half is missing. Yes?

Delilah: We're super sure it's within the Lost Sands! There's this peculiar area we have staked out for days.

Neo: The sands hide more secrets still? Incredible!

Stratos: In the most plain of corners, a Sand Castle hides.

Stratos: But only with two special keys will the winds uncover it.

(minibubble) Zasp: Tch. More keys...

Delilah: We suspect the missing artifact is there.

Delilah: It used to be an area previously inhabited by the roaches, according to my notes.

Elizant: A Sand Castle, you say? Where would its keys be?

Stratos: The mayor of Defiant Root holds this secret. But he asked that we told everyone here first.

Elizant: This is great news! We have a lead again.

Elizant: Zaryant! Reward them. They have prevented this day from being an utmost disaster.

Delilah: Oh, it was nothing my Queen. We live to find secrets!

Delilah: We'll head out ahead to investigate further, just reward us later. Tah tah!

(minibubble) Stratos: Stay safe.

Elizant: I would send Maki, but he has yet to return from his mission.

Elizant: Team Mothiva, Team Snakemouth…

Mothiva: Leave it to me, my Queen. That key will be yours before you realize we've gone.

Vi: You bet! And we'll be the ones to bring it!

Kabbu: C-Can't we cooperat-

(minibubble) Vi, Mothiva: NO!

Zasp: Some healthy competition won't be the worst.

Leif: Suit yourselves. We'll finish this search.

Neo: Best of luck, everyone!

Elizant: Your orders are clear. Speak to the mayor of Defiant Root, and begin your search!

Textbox: Chapter 4: Mysterious Lost Sands

Mothiva: Although honestly, the sand gets all over my fluff! And I've got errands to run.

Mothiva: Being a star and an explorer is so taxing!

Vi: Aw. Boohoo.

Zasp: Go, Mothiva. I will manage until your return.

Mothiva: Heheh. This is why you're my partner! See ya, Snakemouth losers!

Zasp: Who knows? Without her there, we might actually help each other.

(minibubble) Kabbu: Zasp…!

Leif: Let's make sure to finish any of our business before departing.

Kabbu: Stocking up on some items would be wise, as well.

Vi: There's some spikes in the desert, right? If we could cross 'em, we could search a bunch more places!

Leif: Spikes aren't much compared to electric shocks. Our Bubble Shield should be able to get us across.

Kabbu: Excellent! Let's prepare and see what new paths we can explore!

Zaryant: Find the missing artifact! Ask around Defiant Root for hints.

[first wasp invasion]

Zaryant: Y-You... Ngh...!

Hoaxe: Hm. You can still speak after bearing my Slayer.

Elizant: Give it up, you Wasp scum! You know nothing of what I can do.

Hoaxe: If your troops were trained by you, I know more than enough.

Leif: Elizant!

Hoaxe: I will say it is many vermin care for your pathetic rule.

Elizant: Those "vermin" are of my most trusted explorers. They can dispatch you with ease!

Hoaxe: Spare me your names. I'll forget soon after I get rid of you.

Vi: S-Shut up! You messed up the whole town!

Kabbu: We won't let you continue unchecked!

Leif: Elizant, stand back. We'll show this clown the door.


Kabbu: T-Too...strong...

Vi: ...Leif...! C-Can't you freeze him?!

Leif: He's...too powerful.

(minibubble) Leif: Gah!

(minibubble) Vi: The artifact!

(minibubble) Kabbu: Leif!

Elizant: Give it back, fiend!

Hoaxe: As if. Give me the other artifacts before I take them off you!

Hoaxe: !!!

Maki: My Queen!

Elizant: Maki! You are LATE!

Maki: Forgive me, Your Majesty. It seems my mission took way longer than expected.

Hoaxe: ...Hmph. At least I managed to snag one artifact.

Elizant: You will return it, with or without your head. And I won't spare you the time to weigh the odds!

Hoaxe: Taunt as you may. You cannot stop me!

Hoaxe: Take care of your vault, you pathetic Ant. I'll come for it soon enough.

Maki: It seems I arrived just in time. I am glad to see you safe.

Kina: MAKI!!

Kina: Maki! MAKI!! There you are!!!

Kina: Are you safe?! What happened?!

Maki: I got sidetracked. Thankfully it seems everything is resolved.

Elizant: Thankfully? Your delay nearly ruined us!

Maki: There are no words to apologize for my fault.

Kina: I-It wasn't your fault, Maki...

Zaryant: I'm...too glad this is be upset…

Leif: Thank you, Maki. We truly owe you one.

Vi: Thought that was it for a while…

Elizant: This is NOT over, Zaryant. That lowlife has taken the artifact.

Kabbu: Indeed. We're at fault as well…

Neo: W-What matters is we're all okay.

Elizant: No. We MUST recover the artifact!

Leif: We still hold the others. Should we rush into this?

Maki: We could hold down the castle, and-

Elizant: SILENCE.

(minibubble) Vi: Eep!

Zaryant: M-My Queen…

Vi: W-What's the rush anyways?

Elizant: That artifact is the other half of the Ancient Key.

Elizant: Do you not remember where its partner was procured from?

Kabbu: ...! The Honey Factory's Core! Then that half has incredible energy!

Neo: Would they even know how to, um, harness it?

Elizant: We cannot afford to find out. You must pursue.

Elizant: They have surely gone north, back to the Far Grasslands.

Kabbu: WHAT!? Are...are you sure of this!?

Leif: Woah. Take it easy.

Elizant: I take it there's no objections?

Kabbu: No! We will handle this task! We'll go right away!

(minibubble) Vi: Huh?

Elizant: The border is east of Defiant Root, so our tunnels should let us catch up.

Leif: Can we win, however?

Vi: That magic was really strong... Almost burnt my fur!

Maki: We'll accompany them, my Queen. Together we should be more than a match.

Zaryant: I'll, with the others to bring the town to normal.

Zaryant: You'll need some war funds, right? ...I've got this on me. Please take it.

Leif: Looks like it's settled. We'll prepare and move out.

Elizant: Go, Team Maki. Team Snakemouth. Retrieve the artifact with haste!

Kabbu: (I'm...I'm ready to return!)

Textbox: Chapter 5: The Far Wildlands

Maki: Kina, Yin and I will meet you at the Wasp border. Make haste, Team Snakemouth.

Kabbu: ...Oh! Uhm, who is this Yin? I have not heard this name before…

Kina: Sigh. Long story. Let's do this mission first, okay?

Kabbu: (If we're with Maki, I'll have even better chances!)

Vi: Oi, Kabbu. Are you okay?

Leif: You'd normally be telling us to be careful and stuff.

Kabbu: I...I don't want to speak of it yet. Give me some time to think…

Kina: Are you done chatting? Don't keep Maki waiting!

Zaryant: That's that. You know what to do. Meet the other explorers at the Wasp Kingdom to the far north.

Zaryant: ...I wish you the best of luck.

[second wasp invasion]

Kabbu: You vile filth! Step away from the Queen!

Maki: T-Team Snakemouth...I'm sorry. My injury…

(minibubble) Elizant: Nghgh..

Vanessa: You blasted usurper! Will you burn all of Bugaria to the ground to reach your foolish ambitions!?

Hoaxe: Hmph. You're all so pathetic. Pitiable.

Hoaxe: A King holds absolute power over his people. He is not meant to serve... He is to be served!

Hoaxe: To command! To possess! To enjoy! That is the privilege of royalty! And it shall all be mine!

Hoaxe: You haven't learned your lesson? Shall I thaw out your ice in flame once and for all?

Vi: Like we'd fall for the same trick twice!

Hoaxe: You WOULD!

Kina: Team Snakemouth!

Neo: Kabbu!

Hoaxe: MOVE!

Maki: KINA!!!

Elizant: Stop! You will hurt my people no longer!

Hoaxe: Hand them over. All of them.

Hoaxe: Or I will pry them from your carcass!

Elizant: …

Zaryant: N-No! If we do, he'll…

Hoaxe: You have until my axe swings... To say YES!

Elizant: ...

Hoaxe: It'll be all the same, when I come back with the power of the Everlasting Sapling.

Hoaxe: You shall all bow to me once more - but you shall keep breathing.

Hoaxe: Enjoy your last days of peace, lowlives!

Elizant: Grrr...…curse it all...!

Leif: We lost... That's no way to end a show…

Maki: My Queen, all I've done is fail you…

Kina: Stay still, Maki... You're even more hurt than me.

Neo: It's okay. A-At least we're all safe…

Vi: It's not! He's just gonna get the sapling and come back!

Kabbu: What could be the source of his power…

Leif: Elizant…

Leif: No, Queen. Thank you. For choosing to save us.

Elizant: ...

Elizant: I do not deserve your gratitude. I've failed everyone. You, my loyal people. My mother, the Queen…

Elizant: It would be folly to pretend I deserve this royal mask.

(minibubble) Leif: ...

Zaryant: My Queen... That's not true! We couldn't ask for one better!

Zaryant: You are our mother! Our beacon of hope!

Elizant: Thank you, Zaryant. But now all has been taken away from us. The Wasp King possesses the keys to find the sapling.

Elizant: I have failed as both your Queen and mother of our people.

Zaryant: N-No…

Vanessa: ...I know I am an outsider to all this, but may I speak?

Vanessa: When the King usurped my people, I cowered and hid. I have never raised a blade…

Vanessa: I simply believed my subjects would always follow me, no matter what.

Vanessa: I don't know how, but he turned them all on me just like that…

Vanessa: If you are not a Queen, I am but a peasant.

Maki: I would never serve one without conviction and integrity.

Kabbu: You've given us all the chance to thrive in your city!

Elizant: …

Elizant: Your words are kind, but I cannot accept them.

Elizant: As we speak, the Wasp King must be heading towards the Everlasting Sapling…

Elizant: Yet we have no way to pursue…

Leif: Elizant, please answer us finally. Why do you desire the sapling? Why go through all this?

Kabbu: I assumed it would be to keep yourself young and fit to rule…

Vi: Uh, right. No one wants to get old!

Elizant: ...Fair assumptions. But no, it was never something for my own gain.

Elizant: I might as well tell you, then. The reason for my search.

Elizant: The true Queen, Elizant I... My mother, she yet lives.

Elizant: She was put in a deep slumber, using crystal energy. A sort of stasis.

Elizant: It was her dream to get the sapling so she could continue to rule Bugaria for years to come.

Elizant: ...I wished only to bring her back with it.

Elizant: A graceful Queen, loved by all. A diplomatic genius, who ended wars without combat.

Elizant: I longed for her return... So that I may concede my throne to her.

Elizant: For she is so much more than I have ever been.

Leif: …

Leif: We truly thought wrong of your intentions. But the truth sounds even more insane…

Vi: Wow! That's awesome!

(minibubble) Maki: ...

(minibubble) Kina: ...

(minibubble) Leif: ...

Kabbu: Um, I'm not sure if that would be my reaction…

Vi: We need to go beat up the King! Whatever he wants isn't any better!

Kabbu: If we knew where he was going, we would have some chance, but…

Neo: A-Actually! I do know where! Probably!

Kina: Were you ever gonna tell us? Speak up!

Neo: R-Right. I was, uh, waiting for the right moment. The King is certainly going for the sapling, yeah?

Neo: Analyzing everything we know so far, my conclusion is the sapling must be in the Giant's Lair!

(minibubble) Elizant: ...

Vi: You mean that giant wall we can see from the big tree? The haunted place?! THAT Giant's Lair?!?!

Elizant: A towering behemoth of steel and wood, said to have housed the previous rulers of these lands. The so called giants.

Elizant: It is forbidden to go there. None who enter have come back.

Maki: ...In hindsight, it makes sense it'd be there. Even if we needed the artifacts to enter.

Kina: We need a boat to get there though. Doubt the Wasps will let us sail in fine and dandy.

Zaryant: Tch. They were one step ahead of us. We had just received reports that the ships at the pier were sunk by the Wasps!

Vi: W-What do we do, then? Bees can't build boats or anything...

Vanessa: ...! If you'd allow me to suggest something, why not ask the Termite Kingdom?

Vi: There's a Termite Kingdom?

Kabbu: They are an isolationist yet advanced society that lives just outside Bugaria…

Kabbu: They hate daylight so they don't make much contact.

Kabbu: Some species go for a visit, but they forbid entrance to all Ants.

Leif: ...Or that's how they used to be. Right, our Queen?

Elizant: When my mother went into her sleep, I was not...skilled enough to maintain her level of diplomacy. And our alliance fell apart.

(minibubble) Zaryant: My Queen...

Elizant: But they are our only hope. I will go, injured though I may be. I shall request an audience and do what it takes.

Zaryant: I must oppose! The Termites live deep in the Forsaken Lands! That area is teeming with dangerous beasts!

Zaryant: You must NOT put yourself in such danger! I will prepare envoys at once!

Elizant: If this was any other time, I would agree with you... But there is no choice!

Elizant: We are only in dire straits because of me. I will go myself, and that is final.

Zaryant: Hnngh…

Maki: If only I was strong as you, my Queen. Injured as I am…

Elizant: Maki, Zaryant, you two rally up all explorers. Do not let rumors and panic spread.

Elizant: When we return, we shall strike the Wasps.

Elizant: They most certainly have seized the Rubber Prison as we speak.

Elizant: That is the only known way inside the Giant's Lair from Bugaria.

Elizant: But right now we will move to the Forsaken Lands. I will need an escort to ensure I arrive at the Termite Kingdom.

Elizant: Team Snakemouth, I shall wait for you in the Golden Path Tunnel. The old entrance to the Forsaken Lands is located there.

Elizant: Also, Vanessa, please feel free to stay at our palace.

Elizant: We do not have much to offer, but we will make sure to treat you as you deserve.

Vanessa: Why, you have my gratitude Elizant. It seems you misjudge your ability to impress and court!

Vanessa: Our mothers may have had trouble in the past, but we can change the relationship between Ants and Wasps for generations to come.

Elizant: ...Is that so? Then let us share a meal when this is all dealt with.

Elizant: Team Snakemouth, we must hurry. Do not keep me waiting.

Zaryant: Team Snakemouth... Please protect the Queen.

Leif: You can count on us.

Textbox: Chapter 6: Assault on Rubber Prison

Zaryant: You remember how to get to the Golden Path Tunnel, right? It is just south of the Association.

Zaryant: Please be careful, the Forsaken Lands are always shrouded in fog, and many dangerous beasts lurk within.

Kabbu: Leave it to us!

[after getting to Termite Kingdom]

Zaryant: So the Queen reached the Termite City safely…

Zaryant: All of the Ant Kingdom is in your debt.

Leif: Just doing our job.

[after bringing Elizant to Bugaria Pier]

Zaryant: The Queen is back, and she seems to be safe... Good job, Team Snakemouth.

Zaryant: If she was hurt... I'd never forgive you!

[after defeating the Ultimax Tank]

Zaryant: Ugh. The Queen departed once more.

Zaryant: Please defeat the Wasp King quickly so she can return soon!


Zaryant: Team Snakemouth. You have earned my respect.

Zaryant: May your explorations always bear fruit!

Npc Spy

Kabbu: Zaryant... The royal guard is truly an imposing figure.

Leif: With a name like that, it's like it was decided from birth…

Vi: I mean, wasn't it? Ants are weird…

Kabbu: I'm not an expert, but she does seem quite different. Maybe it's genetics?

Leif: We're probably better off not knowing.