Ant Kingdom, Commercial
Amber: Hello there! Would you like to use the Ant Storage Service?
Textbox: I want to store!
I want to take out!
No thanks.
[I want to store! Empty inventory]
Amber: Wait, it seems you're not carrying anything...How can I take care of your stuff if you have nothing?
[I want to store!, storage full]
Amber: S-sorry... I'm at my limit here. Perhaps you wouldn't mind taking something out instead...?
[I want to store!]
Amber: Sure thing! What do you want to store? You can still store |getstorage| item(s).
[Select item, item(s) remaining in inventory]
Amber: Thank you! I will guard it with my life. Would you like to store something else?
Textbox: Yes
[Yes: repeats]
Amber: Oh, okay! Have a nice day!
[Select item, empty inventory after]
Amber: Thank you! I will guard it with my life.
[I want to take out!, empty storage]
Amber: W-what's this? I have checked, and checked, but I can't find your items! I'm sure I guarded them with my life…
Amber: ...You didn't give me anything yet, did you?
[I want to take out!, inventory full]
Amber: Oops... it seems you're already bursting with items!
Amber: I wouldn't mind carrying some of that load for you, if that is okay with you of course.
[I want to take out!]
Amber: Of course! What do you want to take out?
[Select item]
Amber: Here you go! As if it was new. Would you like to take out something else?
Textbox: Yes
[No thanks.]
Amber: Oh, okay! Have a nice day!
Npc Spy
Vi: This is Amber, an ant working for the Item Storage Association!
Leif: That bag looks really heavy.
Kabbu: Ants can carry many times their weight. It is quite inspiring.
Leif: Such strength...perhaps we were born as the wrong bug…
Vi: You don't get to complain, you can shoot ice!
Kabbu: Please, do not fight in front of Lady Amber. Her work is stressful enough already.