
Snakemouth Way, Outside Chuck’s

[Story, walk toward Chuck]

Kabbu: Excuse me, bug of old complexion. Is everything alright?

Vi: Hey! Beetle! We're supposed to be adventuring! Snakemouth Den? Endless riches?

Kabbu: Sorry, Bee. I cannot ignore an old bug in distress.

Chuck: First of all, name's Chuck. And I bet I'm younger than both of ya!

Chuck: But if you need to know...

Chuck: I'm almost done arranging my cozy rest space for travelers going to Snakemouth Den.

Chuck: But I can't pull out this blasted weed!

Vi: You call this cozy?

Kabbu: Chuck, Snakemouth Den is more dangerous than rain on a wedding day. Shouldn't you be warning travelers?

Chuck: ...Look, will you help me or not?

Vi: I'm not doing any pulling. At least not for free.

Kabbu: Hm. Watch this, Bee. If I press |button,5| near small bushes or rocks...

Vi: Woah! Nice.

Kabbu: Something like this is no match for my horn!

Chuck: I'll be! You actually helped me! This made my week!

Vi: You've got a reward ready, right?

Kabbu: But Bee! Helping others is already its own reward.

(minibubble) Kabbu: And you didn't do anything.

Vi: It's really, really not.

Chuck: Hohohoh. No need to be like that. People who help deserve gratitude!

Chuck: This is all I've got on me, but please take it.

Vi: Ah, honey. Wonderful honey!

Chuck: Eat it if you're having a rough time. Alright?

Kabbu: Hm, thank you. We'll be going, now. Just make sure to warn others!

[Subsequent talks]

Chuck: Good luck you two!

Snakemouth Way, Chuck’s Abode

[First talk]

Chuck: Hey. It's good to see ya again. You've made a friend, too!

Leif: We're friends?

Vi: Of course we are!

Kabbu: Indeed. After all we've been through, we can trust and depend on each other.

Leif: ...We can get used to that.

Chuck: Hohoho. I'm only glad that you didn't get hurt exploring. Found any treasure?

Vi: Yup! As expected from me!

Chuck: Now nobody can tell ya you're just a little rookie. Stay proud!

Kabbu: Thank you, Chuck. Your hut is progressing nicely as well.

Leif: The hammock looks nice to sleep in.

Chuck: Drop by anytime, and you can sleep for free!

[Subsequent talks]

Chuck: Come for a nap?

Textbox: You bet.

Maybe Later.

[You bet.]

Chuck: Alrighty. Moth gets the hammock. The rest of you get the carpet!

[Maybe Later.]

Chuck: No problem. This bug ain't goin' anywhere.

[Quest: I Want a New Taste]

Chuck: *Grumble...*

Kabbu: Chuck, we saw your posting on the quest board.

Chuck: Oh! It's you guys. Ya did? Any luck? I'm starving!

[Give incorrect item]

Chuck: This isn't a hearty breakfast at all! That's meant to be cooked mushrooms and eggs!

Chuck: Go visit Fry in the commercial plaza. I can't wait much longer!

[Exit out]

Chuck: Well? Where is it? Don't leave a hungry bug waiting!

[Give Hearty Breakfast]

Chuck: Oh, my dear goodness. It's beautiful!

Chuck: *chomp chomp*

Chuck: Whew. Thanks, you all. Yer always helping me out.

Chuck: I was so desperate I ate a raw Mushroom. Never really liked them…

Leif: No problem. The breakfast platter is one of our favorites.

Vi: A bit too savoury for me…

Chuck: I've got a better reward for ya this time!

Chuck: That'll make you really angry, but really strong!

Chuck: Just like me when I don't have food…

Kabbu: Thank you, Chuck. It was nice to see you again.

Chuck: Be safe, now! If you ever feel tired, I'd be glad to lend my place to you lot.

[End of quest-related dialogue]


Living far away from people is hard, and someone as old as me has trouble gathering food.

Can someone bring this old bug a Hearty Breakfast?

Meet me at my hut in Snakemouth Way.

Npc Spy

[Spy Chuck]

Leif: It's some old bug.

Vi: Yeah, whoever that is.

Kabbu: Bee, you know fully well that's Chuck!

Kabbu: His hut has been coming along well, we should say hi.

Vi: Before he takes a nap.

Leif: Or he croaks.

Kabbu: *Grumble.*