
Ant Kingdom, Theater

[Quest: Theater Help Wanted!]

[First talk]

Vi: Wow, it really is Mothiva!

Mothiva: Oh, who might you three be?

Kabbu: We saw your listing for help. We are at your service.

Leif: (We only wanted to watch…)

Mothiva: Oh, really? Hmm…

Mothiva: (They look so lame! Ugh! Am I going to have to work with AMATEURS!?)

Mothiva: That's great! When can you start? We have to rehearse!

Leif: No audition?

Vi: Shush Moth, don't ruin this.

Kabbu: We can start as soon as you are ready.

Mothiva: (Well, if they're bad...It will just make me shine brighter! Ohohoho!)

Mothiva: Let's begin! Mothiva's training regimen!

Mothiva: No! Not like that, DORKS!

Mothiva: NO, THE PROPS! NO!!!

Mothiva: ............…

Mothiva: Sigh. We're finally ready. You're pieces of work, alright.

Mothiva: Look. People are coming in. Don't ruin this! Just talk to me when you are ready to start the play.

Kabbu: Mothiva seems...different to how I imagined.

Vi: She's "a piece of work", alright.

Leif: This is why you shouldn't meet your idols.

Kabbu: Still, let us do our best. This play carries a lot of people's efforts!

Vi: And we're actually getting paid. Let's do this!

Mothiva: So? Are we going to start?

Textbox: Yes



Mothiva: Hurry up already! The audience will grow impatient!


Narration: Once upon a time, there laid a kingdom in the desert with an immense Oasis.

Narration: Travelers from all over the world wished to visit. For its clear water and its beautiful ruler.

Narration: The princess would greet all who came with smiles and hospitality.

Narration: It was so, how an evil prince fell in love...

Mothiva: I cannot leave my people. They are my pride, my joy!

Zasp: Oh, how I wished for thee to make this easy.

Zasp: You have left me no choice!

Mothiva: No...stop, stop!

Leif: Halt, you fiend! You will sully the princess no longer!

Vi: Yeah! Uh, Give her back!

(minibubble) Kabbu: (She forgot her lines...!)

Kabbu: W-We will stop you!

Zasp: Minions! Get rid of these pests. We have places to be.

Mothiva: H-Help me! Somebody save me!

Vi: Alright, let's kick their butt!

(minibubble) Kabbu:Sigh...

Leif: You freakish beasts, you dare stand between us and the princess!?

Leif: You chose poorly. Prepare yourself!

[End second battle from both taking items and running away]

Kabbu: ...they fled...?!

(minibubble) Offstage: Security!

Leif: Uh........Oh, this battle has given us such renewed strength!

Leif: We must reach our liege with haste!

[End second battle, defeat enemies]

Bandit: T-Too strong!

Thief: Let's get outta here, boss!

Kabbu: We are saved! Honey!

Vi: It's our lucky day!

Leif: Eat quickly, for there is no time to celebrate.

Leif: We must reach our liege with haste!

Narration: After many harsh nights, the knights pulled through.

Narration: And now, it was time to take back what they had lost...

Mothiva: Let me go already, you monster!

Zasp: Even with all my riches, with the grandeur of my land…

Zasp: You would still reject me!?

Kabbu: Oh, the evil prince. He is so scary and imposing!

Vi: Hey! Give the princess back!

Leif: You will pay for your crimes!

Mothiva: My knights! You've come to my aid!

Zasp: Why...why must fate work against me?

Zasp: Very well. I shall end thee, and take all I want by force!

[Post third fight]

Zasp: No...I can still fight!

Zasp: I will show you my true power!

Leif: No...we are too drained from the fight!

Kabbu: Is this the end for us...?

Vi: Hey, I can still fight!


Mothiva: That is for kidnapping me, you cruel tyrant!




Mothiva: Oh, my knights...I thank you for all you have done.

Mothiva: In the name of my mother, the Queen...I grant you the highest honors.

Mothiva: To stay by my side as right hand bugs, as we restore our kingdom.

Leif: It was all for you, Princess.

Mothiva: Heh. You runts had me worried. But it went pretty okay.

Leif: It went way better than okay.

Kabbu: I didn't really like my role...but I managed.

Vi: It was super easy. Now, for payment...

Mothiva: (Easy! She almost ruined the whole play!)

Mothiva: (Good thing the audience is happy just seeing me…)

Mothiva: Well, the play succeeded, so fine. Here is your reward.

Vi: Nyehehehe. Thanks, Mothiva.

Mothiva: Honestly, a lot of people are asking for an encore.

Mothiva: Feel free to talk to me if you want to go again.

Mothiva: (Please don't come back...)

[Lose any battle]

Crowd: Huh?

Crowd: What?

Crowd: Wait...

Crowd: Uhh...

Crowd: Mommy!

Crowd: Wah…

Mothiva: No! You RUINED IT!

Mothiva: ...

Kabbu: We...we're sorry.

Mothiva: ...I made up some excuse with the owner…

Mothiva: They'll let us try again tomorrow, if I give free autographs today.

Mothiva: Rehearse in your own time, and let me know when you're ready.

Mothiva: (...I hate amateurs...)


This is Mothiva!

I am in need of volunteers for our next big hit performance up on the Bugaria Theater.

Any TALENTED bugs welcome! Talented, okay!?

Npc Spy

Vi: It's Mothiva! She is super popular!

Kabbu: Even I have heard of her from my homeland, it is such an honor to be here near her in person!

Leif: ...We do not see how she is that special.

Vi: Come on, Moth! Even you must have heard of her, wherever you came from!

Leif: …