WHAT? Care to say that AGAIN!?
This guy's calling me a kid, says I can't explore!
Shut it. I bet I'm older than you!
I'm Bee, the best explorer the hive has ever seen!
You should be gasping at my presence!
Yeah. Got a problem? Saying bees can't explore? Expected honey and paint?
I'm worth like four bees, okay?!
What do you want?
What, do I look that desperate? I don't even know you!
...Well, can't be worse than having to stay put.
Say that to my face!
Yeah. Bugs like you that look down on others are really annoying.
Test us, huh? Who named you king of this joint?
Watch your own horn, I was born ready!
Hit me up. Maybe I'll even learn something.
Holding a button? Lame. Look at this!
If I press |button,4| at the right time, I can power up my Beemerang!
I bet I know more stuff than you do! I'll be fine.
See? We're doing great!
I know! And if I press |button,4| at the right time…
O-ow! What the heck!? You trying to kill us or something?
Toy!? Argh. Now I'm mad!
It's time to use a skill! They're just like attacks, but you select them from the yellow flower!
Skills require us to use our TP (Teamwork Points), however. So watch out how much we have left!
I did it! Snakemouth Den is going to be all mine! All the riches, all the glory!
What a weird bunch.
...So uh. I'm Bee, I guess. From the Hive near the big tree.
Right! Yeah! Let's go right away! Don't fall behind, okay?
Something wrong?
Shush, Eetl. Just say it.
Yeah! After all, I am on the case!
Heh. Couldn't stop me from exploring, could you?
I know that! But we're not going to be one of those.
Even Maki thinks we're decent.
We'll make it back, don't worry.
You tell her, Eri.
Argh! That stupid, roleplaying wannabe gatekeeper! I'll show him!
Oh, um, he's just kidding! Right, Beetle?
Let's just go, Beetle.
Woah. So everyone here is crazy strong!
What? You trying to say something?
What's your deal!? You want to fight!?
Grr. Fine. Let's just go.
Uh, okay. Who are you again?
Uh, yeah. Thanks.
You know it!
But I won't say no to free stuff!
Hey, why're you hitting that crystal? You could break it, you know?
Got a problem?
You expect me to believe that? All that awesome stuff for hitting a rock?
W-Woah! It really works! This must sell for a fortune!
Ugh...that's so boring.
Sure. Let's just get on our way.
Well, at least when it's not raining.
Hey! Beetle! We're supposed to be adventuring! Snakemouth Den? Endless riches?
You call this cozy?
I'm not doing any pulling. At least not for free.
Woah! Nice.
You've got a reward ready, right?
It's really, really not.
Ah, honey. Wonderful honey!
Hey, where are you going? Snakemouth is through the north west.
...I knew that.
You know what it's not? Snakemouth Den. Let's go!
Just watch yourself. I don't want to patch you up if you get hurt!
It doesn't look that scary, you know?
F-For real?
Geez, way to sell it to me, Beetle.
But the higher the danger, the better the treasure!
Like you're any better. Let's just get this over with.
Look, I get that it's scary.
You don't have to say the whole thing every time.
Just get a move on.
Uh huh…
Hey, Beetle?
Do you really have to comment on every small thing?
H-Hey, don't look so sad.
Err... How about this. If I want to know more about where we currently are...or about something or someone near us…
I'll just tap the |button,9| button, how about that?
(...Yeah, right.)
It really is. Let's just find the treasure and get out quickly!
Well, that's it. Game over. Let's go back.
Duh. I was kidding, you know? Look over there!
It's one of those ancient switches! We just need to hit it!
That's too much effort. I've got a better plan.
My mighty Beemerang! I just need to get in front with |button,6| and press |button,5| to throw it!
Uh... yeah! Of course! Just as planned.
Hehehe. Yep. Let's go.
"Leave this place, for beyond this point lies great danger."
"We have already lost one of ours to this wretched place…"
No place full of treasure's ever been safe.
But it's ancient ruins, so not really.
What!? We did all this for THAT!?
Seriously? It wasn't even a rare item. Heck it wasn't even a rare mushroom!
Who designed this place!? I will sting them in the face!
Oh I'm angry now, I'll never forget this! I'll tear the place DOWN!
Phew. That was close.
Beetle! Are you alive!?
I guess he is. Hmm…
This is the perfect time to go home, I don't like the look of that place…
But I'm his reliable teammate…
I'm going to regret this…
No rush. I can wait.
I would have carried you, but you seem really heavy…
Uh huh…
Anyways, this place is really creepy.
Let's be careful, okay? You were almost a goner!
Look, I can take care of myself. Don't make me regret coming with you.
Yikes... is that a moth?
Okay, I'm just going to see if the Beemerang can cut through web…
A... a... a spider...
Beetle! We've got to run! Treasure ain't worth this!
...Look, I-
H-Hey! I was going to apologize! And I came back, right?
You pushed me away from the web, but I still left, so I'm…
And once we free it...we run?
Geez Beetle, I apologized already!
H-Here it comes. Let's do this!
Alright! We did it!
Beetle! I'm done here!
Let's get outta here!!!
Gee, glad it is too fat to come in here…
......Uh, Beetle?
I am sorry for running away…
Took you long enough! Most people would be crying at getting rescued!
What the... hey! Are you okay? Did you hit your head?
Do you need like, a minute?
No big deal. It sucks that we're trapped, though.
Geez, you've got some luck to be alive…
Way too many things happened all at once... but the treasure must still be ahead, right?
Seriously!? You came into this place without knowing how to fight!?
Ok. We've spent too much time here. Let's look for the exit!
No kidding. Can we just go?
No issues here. I needed a break from all the death traps.
That is not happening.
I said it's not happening!
What a weird tablet. It is written in an even weirder language…
What the heck!?
You seriously expect us to believe that!?
You're not some criminal with a HUGE bounty, are you?
Heh. You should let me attack three times! I'll take them all on!
Grr. Fine.
Everything's just too suspicious. I don't even believe Moth yet.
...I guess it's fine for now. Let's keep going, then! I can almost smell the treasure!
Yep. Blue and pretty.
Like that convenient ice magic you pulled off here.
If anything, it'll be easier to get out now.
It's not funny! I'm all soaked now!
Ugh, why is there so much water in here!?
There's water under us, above doesn't make sense!
That's pretty cool, Moth!
This room is gigantic!
No way, right is right!
No joke. Let's rest up and then explore some more!
Yeah. You only hear about roaches in folk tales nowadays…
Pretty soon after I was born, I think.
Ugh, this is depressing talk. Let's get out of here!
Okay. I'll go check it out first.
If there's another trap, I can just fly out of it!
Must've sucked to live here.
Well, whatever. If they're guarding it that much...there's got to be something valuable behind it!
My beemerang's paint is getting ruined from hitting all those switches!
What was that!? You wanna go back into the spider web!?
I guess. It was a pretty big switch.
Alright! That's two switches!
Hey, I see some geysers!
Yeah, and maybe ice cubes won't melt when touching them!
How does this even fit in this cave?
Hmm...are we really going to be able to get out of here?
Not to be a downer or anything. I'm just kind of worried.
Yeah. You're right. Sorry about that.
Let's keep going!
There's so many cool mushrooms! I wonder how much they'd sell for.
Uh...Are you okay there, Beetle?
It's the treasure room! We did it! We super ultra mega did it! Yeah!
Last one to the treasure is a FAT STINKBUG!
It doesn't really seem special. Or valuable.
Dibs. Moth shouldn't touch it anyways.
Yeah, yeah. Whatever.
We need to leave!
S-Seriously!? The spider!?
B-But last time we had to run!
G-Gah! Alright! Let's take it out, before the room floods!
No problem! I was going to beat it up anyways!
And we got the treasure, too!
...Aw heck.
And that is how we got the treasure!
Eh, close enough.
What SHOULDN'T we do next? There's lots of treasure to find!
Ah, it's nice to be back in the outskirts.
Uh...I haven't been out here that long, so I don't really know.
Stop! This nostalgia trip is over!
By the time we're done, he won't have any prizes left to give out!
It's a LONG story. I'll tell you later.
S-She's scaring me. Let's get out of here!
Speaking of him, I don't see him anywhere. Where do you think he went?
He needs to learn when to relax sometimes, though.
I won't! ...As long as he doesn't cause ME trouble.
This guy looks super shady.
How did someone like him end up with a hot headed cricket like her anyway?
No kidding, you can already tell by her looks!
Isn't that the girl that posted that request in the board?
You know it. We saw your post on the wall!
Don't worry, Leby. I'm on the case!
Come, let's find something else to do!
Heh. These two look much happier lately.
And the rewards! That medal was super good!
A-And the joy! Lots of joy.
Oh yeah. Where did he go anyways?
Look! That's probably the Numbnail Tod ran away from!
There it is!
Uh huh. I think he calls it a hut though.
Of course we are!
Yup! As expected from me!
Yeah, whoever that is.
Before he takes a nap.
A bit too savoury for me…
Oh yeah. I heard a bounceshroom showed up down there after the flood!
We can go down whenever we need to!
Fine, fine. We'll walk around!
Come on, let's get out of here before more monsters appear!
Why ARE we here, though?
It's not like treasure is going to suddenly appear.
Screw that. If there's no treasure let's just get out.
...Well, this is disappointing.
Oh well. Let's check the room out.
How so?
Hmm, isn't it weird? I heard the Queen led everyone here.
How come she didn't make a statue of herself?
Huh. So this whole town was built thanks to a clumsy ant?
Meh. When I rule the world, every street will have my cute face in it!
D-Don't do that! It's dangerous!
Look. Don't ask me. Just don't do it.
We're not being... too mean to Beetle, are we?
Don't even think about it. We're not getting one!
Oh, that's Tod. He moved in recently, I think.
I'm not walking into this one. I must preserve my cute, baby image!
So what? If someone says you can't do something…
You prove them wrong! And they'll beg for forgiveness!
If you enjoy it...just play! You don't need to be the best, just do what you can!
Who needs that dumb theater!
What? What's so funny?
I wasn't being kind! I was being honest!
Yeah, whatever.
...It's all up to her now, you know?
Samira's been doing good.
Geez, it's not just that. Other bugs come to hear her play too!
Hey, Vivi! Got any quests for me?
Ugh, those are almost never worth it.
Oh well. Let's see what you've got.
I think this is Ant
Ant Guard number four used to occupy this post, but management must have switched them around.
I heard that!
You two are getting all sappy. Sounds like nap time!
Heya. We've come to write a review!
For free? I won't complain, but…
I slept pretty well. The honey drop you left was great!
It's well deserved. I can't wait to come again!
That's Janet, Beetle. Remember?
A bit too fancy. It's straight out of the Bee Kingdom. Yuck.
It's just too pretentious! Use money to eat good food, or go on a trip!
I hate when bugs use money just to look important!
What's that "after all" supposed to mean?
Heya, Chubee! Come to see the play?
Uh, yeah. We explore and stuff.
That's Chubee!
She's always traveling and looking for the best foods and shows!
Eh. When you get to know Chubee, you can't help but like her!
I don't know about that…
Gold? Some legendary berry?
Eh. It's alright, I guess.
Oi, Beetle!
...Beetle, if you spend all the berries we made in Snakemouth here, I'll never forgive you.
Fine. It's your own money.
Well? Are you happy now?
How long have you been in that cave?! Everyone knows the Bug Rangers!
Sometimes they even play here at the theater!
No way! Yellow Ranger is the best!
What is he doing here anyway?
As much as I want to keep this going, we should probably just go.
Oh, I know this guy. It's M.M.!
Nah, but no one knows who he really is!
No one has seen him without his mask!
That part is a mask too!
No! You're staying right here with us!
It's Mothiva! She is super popular!
Come on, Moth! Even you must have heard of her, wherever you came from!
Wow, it really is Mothiva!
Shush Moth, don't ruin this.
She's "a piece of work", alright.
And we're actually getting paid. Let's do this!
Yeah! Uh, Give her back!
Alright, let's kick their butt!
We will get her back! After them!
Ugh, I bet she's getting treated real nice.
Yeah! Or face my beemerang! I mean, blade!
It's our lucky day!
Hey! Give the princess back!
Hey, I can still fight!
It was super easy. Now, for payment...
Nyehehehe. Thanks, Mothiva.
Woah, the place changed a bit, right?
This is the commercial area, the best area of them all!
There's a medal shop, a chef…
And Madame Butterfly's store! No other store can compare!
Heheh. And there's a little something else. But I can't tell you what it is!
This is Amber, an ant working for the Item Storage Association!
You don't get to complain, you can shoot ice!
It's Madame Butterfly! She's got the best prices in the whole kingdom!
Oh, sorry. I always get excited when I come here.
Everything's so cheap, and Madame Butterfly is so pretty!
I bet she's super rich, too…
I wonder what they'll build here.
Details. A house is just what we need!
Geez, Mun's still in the same spot as always.
Yeah, that can't be a good look!
Uh, no. We really shouldn't.
This beetle's always at Fry's. He eats pretty much anything…
Yeah. You're both weirdos, alright.
This is Fry, the fly!
Most chefs live in the royal castle, but he chose to work here.
Though I don't get it. He could make more profit at the castle.
What matters is I'm really hungry. Let's get him to cook for us!
What's with you and shrooms? Aphid Omelette all the way!
Uh. Well...Fry isn't complaining, so I guess we can just leave it here.
This is Merab. The owner of the Medal shop.
They say he has traveled across the land to build his collection!
Travel, treasure, and power! Now that's the life!
It's one of those stupid, annoying seedlings!
They're all over the outskirts, but don't even drop good items!
Let's just beat them up already!
What's up with this thing? It's like a spiky pillbug!
Its armor is really strong, so I can barely hurt it.
I bet Beetle can flip it over, though!
Eep! That ant is...possessed! No way!
That's just a story the Queen tells kids to scare them... this is too creepy!
I'm going to take it out!
Cripes, is that a flying mushroom?
This cave does some weird stuff to things…
I'll knock it out of the air!
This spider...just gets scarier the more I look at it.
But I'm not going to run away this time!
I'll knock it out from the sky whenever it climbs up its web.
Let's beat it up and get that treasure!
Ooh, a Numbnail! I hear Numbnail sedatives go for a lot of berries in the market.
I'll try to take some for myself when Beetle flips it out of the shell!
Seriously? A seedling with a hat!?
My Beemerang can't pierce through...Beetle's gonna have to flip it!
A thief!? There's nothing worse in the world!
The nerve to steal my hard earned treasure!
I'm gonna knock it out of the air and take everything it's stolen!
Eep! I-It's a bandit! I'm not going to let it get near our bag. No way!
Maybe I'll just let Beetle take the hits while I throw my Beemerang at them.
W-Wait...what if they steal my Beemerang?
I hope I'm not worrying too much…
Hmph. So you really want to fight, Zasp?
Bet you think you'll win cuz you're all cool. And tall.
Prepare for a Beemerang to the face!