Funny little extra things, mostly unused dialogue

  • From enemies you can't spy in-game

    Maki@If you can access this data, you're one of 'em hackers. Good job finding this!@beetattle@beetletattle@mothtattle

    Web@You can stop now.@beetattle@beetletattle@mothtattle

    Mr. Tester@YAMEROOOOO@beetattle@beetletattle@Isn't this too meta?

    Vine@jk jk. wE cAN't sTOp yOU AnYMOre!@beetattle@beetletattle@mothtattle

    Sand Wall@The best moment to stop datamining was when you opened the file@beetattle@beetletattle@mothtattle

    Ice Wall@The next best moment was now@beetattle@beetletattle@mothtattle

    Wasp King@No one cared who he was until he put on the crown...@beetattle@beetletattle@mothtattle

  • From the first wasp attack, there's one line in the Explorer's Association area that isn't used.

    We've got to end this... Muse's in danger!

  • presumably a different version of the dialogue from the second wasp attack

    ...I yield. I...will give you the artifacts...|next,waspk,103|Hmph. You are not as idiotic as I believed

  • in a rare moment where I know about a changed bit of dialogue, if you used to say no to picking up a quest from that board the ant guard would say "Ok." instead of "So you won’t help us…?"