A Smiling Dish
By: Fry
Difficulty: ***
Hahahaha! Just thought of a dish that could make the grumpiest bug smile from satisfaction! I've just gotta get messy and mix the ultimate sweet with the ultimate tanginess! Anyone got them around?
Ant Kingdom, Commercial District
Fry: Hey hey hey! You lot took my request, right?
Fry: Alright, let's get to the chase. I had an idea for the ultimate dish…
Fry: Combining the most sweet thing with the most tangy feeling…
Fry: It will surely be something out of this world!
Fry: I need two dishes not found anywhere else, which together will contain these qualities!
Fry: Once you have found them, bring them back to me! The reward will be well worth it! Hahaha!
[Talk again]
Fry: Hey hey! Did you bring the ingredients? Or are you here to cook?
[Usual plus]
[We're here for the request.]
Fry: Oho! Down to business, eh? Well, did you bring the two ingredients?
Textbox: Yes
Fry: Hmph! Let's stop wasting time and get those ingredients!
[Yes, don’t have]
Fry: ...You don't have them! Remember, I need the Sweetest thing and the Tangiest flavor to cook my best dish!
Fry: Bring me those 2 ingredients and I will get down to it!
Fry: Ohoho! You actually did it! I am impressed!
Fry: Those ingredients are perfect for this ultimate dish!
Fry: Let's get right into it!
Fry: Ahaha! Here it is! The ultimate dish!
Fry: This is something only I can cook!
Fry: Just bring these ingredients back here and I will make as many as you can eat!
Fry: Thank you very much for this!