Chapter 3: Factory Inspection

By: Elizant II

While Professor Neolith deciphers the Ancient Tablet, Team Snakemouth and their comrades have been tasked with replacing the Honey Factory's core.

To do so, they must head east, and then north of the Association and overcome the Lost Sands.


Although going back home should be a joyous ocassion, Vi's heart is full of doubts…


As they journey through the desert, Team Snakemouth saved the traveling caravan from a Wasp Ambush!

They're being bolder with their attacks...Team Snakemouth must retrieve the final artifact quickly! Hurry to Defiant Root!


Sunny skies, merchants abound and a lot of sand - That's Defiant Root!

Team Snakemouth stops to take a short break, before riding the elevator to the Bee Kingdom.


The scanner picks up something abnormal, prompting Dr. HB to examine Leif.

Although the whole truth hasn't been found, it seems Leif's body is connected to the Ancient Crystals…

For now, Team Snakemouth must focus on rounding up everyone for the briefing.


Vi confesses her fears to her team, that she won't be forgiven for her rude exit.

Assured that everything can be fixed with an honest effort, the team heads into the briefing.

The Queen dotes on Vi, and invites all explorers to visit the Honey Factory.


The BeeHive's west exit leads to it. Team Snakemouth must be ready to oversee the core's replacement!


The Factory's been locked down! Everyone's trapped!

Together with Gen, Eri, Zasp and Mothiva, Team Snakemouth must find the Overseer and unlock the Factory Core's room!


Shutting down the factory's mechanical defender, the core's finally been replaced!


Mulling over fixing things with her sister, Vi travels back to the Ant Kingdom with her team, to deliver the final artifact...

Golden Hills, Venus

Vi: Mission super complete!

Leif: We should go report back, then.

Venus: That tablet is important to find the Everlasting Sapling that the Queen's searching for.

Venus: I do not know how it works, but it should hold clues on how to locate it.

Kabbu: Thank you, Venus. How can we ever repay you?

Venus: Hmm... Just promise to visit me sometime, alright? Bring Aria if you can! Hee he he!

Venus: Oh, and don't tell others of me, of course... Stay safe, and remember, I'm always watching over you.

Golden Settlement, Main Area

Celia: Hey! Team Snakemouth!

Levi: Ugh... We drank too much juice last night, so we couldn't get moving.

Celia: We couldn't even watch the last ceremony...but we heard you made it into the hills!

Levi: I assume you've found the artifact?

Vi: That's right!

Celia: I'm so jealous! That's two important artifacts you snagged from everyone else!

Levi: Great job! We should head back to the Ant Kingdom at once! The Queen will be very pleased.

Vi: Heheh! We're doing great!

Kabbu: Come now Vi, let's go to the Ant Kingdom.

Levi: We will go on ahead to notify the Queen and prepare an audience.

Levi: If you don't want to walk all the way back, you should go through the Ant Tunnels.

Levi: There should be one just outside the settlement.

Celia: Don't leave the Queen waiting!

Ant Palace, Throne Room

Neo: Oh! You've all come! I must say, you're just in time.

Leif: (It's really crowded… those questions will have to wait.)

Elizant: Tell us without further ado, Team Snakemouth. Have you found the artifact hidden in the Golden Hills?

Vi: Yup! We're ready for that reward!

Elizant: Wonderful! This timing is simply impeccable.

Elizant: I must congratulate you, for bringing this artifact to my care.

Elizant: This must be sign of even more good things to come. For the Ant Kingdom and Bugaria.

Kabbu: It was our honor, Your Highness!

Elizant: Zaryant, please collect the artifact and hand them their rewards.

Zaryant: As you command, my Queen.

Zaryant: You have earned this, Team Snakemouth.

Vi: Heheh. Thanks again! The Vi Bank keeps filling!

Neo: Oh! M-may I take a look, as we discussed?

Elizant: Yes. Make haste, Zaryant.

Zaryant: Handle it with care, Professor.

Neo: O-Of course!

Neo: Yes...YES! My research held true!

Neo: This tablet must contain information on how to find the Everlasting Sapling!

Vi: What? But that's just a bunch of blue lines!

Neo: Oho, Vi! That's where that mask you found in Snakemouth comes in!

Kina: I-It really was a mask!? I thought it was just a weird rock…

Kabbu: Heheh, so I was right!

Leif: Don't boast, Kabbu.

Neo: Listen now, the mask is an interpreter! Through it, these lines morph into the Roach Alphabet!

(minibubble) Kina: (Who cares...)

Neo: I cannot tell how it actually works, but the Roaches had such marvelous technology! I'm smitten!

Elizant: Wonderful... Very, very wonderful...!

Elizant: We are making progress in finding the sapling. Finally.

Leif: What do you need the Everlasting Sapling for?

Elizant: ...That is not for you to know.

Leif: Tch…

Elizant: Just know, that with it my mother's dream will come true at last.

Leif: (Elizant's dream?)

Elizant: Professor. How long will it take you to decipher this tablet?

Neo: Oh, will be some time. Even with the mask, the runes are still in Roach Script. S-Sorry.

Elizant: I see. Fret not, that leaves us with time to retrieve the other artifact.

Celia: There's another one?

Neo: Mhm. My research indicates there are three artifacts.

Neo: With the missing key, we can "unlock" the Everlasting Sapling!

Levi: Then...we're almost at the finish line!

Neo: YES! And given what we know, the key should be in the Bee Kingdom!

Vi: R-Really?

Neo: Long ago, before knowing of its real nature, they used it when building the Honey Factory's Core.

Neo: But I'm not sure if they will give it to us, because taking it out will shut down the whole thing…

Vi: It'll shut down the factory? B-But...

Zaryant: Do not worry, both of you.

Zaryant: We have sent our envoys to the Bee Kingdom ever since you told us about the key.

Zaryant: Finally, they have agreed to let us take it, in exchange for materials to build a replacement.

Kabbu: That is wonderful!

Neo: Oh, joy! Then it won't cause them any trouble!

Kina: So the job's trading these materials for the artifact?

Elizant: Precisely. That is your next mission.

Elizant: And luckily, a young Bee joined your ranks recently. She will be of great help in this mission.

(minibubble) Kabbu: Vi...

Vi: …

(minibubble) Leif: Oh right...

Celia: Geez. Team Snakemouth is on a roll, aren't they?

Levi: It's all fair game, Celia. We have our own tasks to excel at.

Elizant: With that, you are all dismissed.

Elizant: Except Team Snakemouth and Team Celia. I wish to have a word with you.

Kina: Well, guess we'll be going now…

(minibubble) Kina: I wish Maki was here...

Elizant: Now, I've kept you here to ask about the wasp situation.

Elizant: The professor has mentioned you all helped him when he was attacked. For that, you have my gratitude.

(minibubble) Neo: ...

Levi: We are unworthy, Your Highness. We only did what any explorer ought to.

(minibubble) Kabbu: S-So cool...

Celia: It was worrying, though. They seem to know about the artifacts somehow…

Elizant: Then it is as I feared. We are running out of time.

Elizant: You must all remain on guard, and avoid the northern border with the Wasp Kingdom at all costs.

Levi: As you wish, Your Highness.

Elizant: To reach the Bee Kingdom, you must travel southeast from the Association, and take the first north exit.

Elizant: With my permission, explorers may now cross the passage to the Lost Sands.

Zaryant: Be wary, however. The number of bandits in the Lost Sands has been increasing lately.

Zaryant: Head straight to Defiant Root as soon as possible, to enter the Bee Hive.

(minibubble) Vi: ...

Kabbu: We will get it done, Your Highness!

(minibubble) Leif: Uh huh...

Zaryant: Dismissed!

Textbox: Chapter 3: Factory Inspection

Levi: That being said, we do have some things to take care of first.

Levi: If you have time, perhaps you could check out the Quest Board in the Plaza...?

Celia: Try not to clear the mission too quickly, so we may catch up!

Leif: No promises.

Ant Palace, Main Room

Kabbu: Heh. I've never been to the Hive! This is a good opportunity.

Vi: Uh huh…

Kabbu: Vi, are you okay? I know you're not on the best terms, but-

Vi: Look, I don't wanna talk about it right now. Okay?

Kabbu: Ah…

Leif: Well, if you don't want to talk about it... There's something we want to discuss.

Vi: What's up?

Leif: Venus mentioned that our...our team got away from Snakemouth's depths.

Leif: Given the passage of time, they're most likely gone. But, we can't help but think…

Leif: Maybe their children are around. Do you follow?

Vi: Oh. Oh! That's right! Your team can be around in spirit!

Kabbu: Leif, you'd like to go look for them?

Leif: We're in the middle of a mission, so there's no rush. But if we ever find the time…

Vi: No problem! We'll just find them as we go along!

Kabbu: Indeed. We'll keep our eyes open.

Leif: ...Thank you. That's all. Let's get on with the mission.

Vi: Uh, right... Yeah. Let's go.

(minibubble) Kabbu: Oh dear...

Outskirts, Bridge to Lost Sands

[Before lowering bridge]

Gen: Ah, geez! How does this bridge work!? Where's the worker?

Eri: I hope we cross soon. These Underlings don't play nice at all!

[lower bridge]

Gen: Woah, thanks!

Eri: Mhm. We were stuck here for a while.

Vi: It wasn't much!

Gen: We'll get going now. See you in Defiant Root!

Kabbu: Be careful, now!

Outskirts, Before Lost Sands

Kabbu: The Lost Sands... It's been a while.

Vi: They're way too huge. It's gonna take ages!

Leif: It'd be nice if we could move just a bit faster…

Kabbu: ...Well, why not just run?

Kabbu: If we tap |button,5| twice with me at the front…

Kabbu: I'll give it my all!

Vi: Bleh... Whatever gets us outta there faster.

Leif: We'll try to keep up, Kabbu.

Textbox: Kabbu can now Dash! Just double tap |button,5|! Press |button,4| or |button,5| to cancel the dash!

Textbox: Kabbu can also now use the Dash Through skill in battle!

Lost Sands, Caravan

Cricketly: Oh, if it isn't those peppy explorers!

Vi: Hiya!

Eri: Hey, Team Snakemouth. How's it going?

Leif: Well, it's a bit hot…

Kabbu: You're traveling to Defiant Root as well?

Gen: Yup. We're on a mission to protect these merchants!

Cricketly: Specifically, our dear Snail. We could fight or run, but this one's pretty wimpy.

Eri: It's been a super good day, though. Easiest mission we've ever had!


Gen: Dangit, Eri!

Vi: Bandits!

Cricketly: You've got some NERVE trying to mug us!

Huscada: D-Dear, it's okay. We can make the money back. Don't get hurt fo-

Cricketly: As if! I'd rather go down fighting than yield to these scoundrels!

Wasp: You speak brave words, for a powerless merchant.

Wasp: This is your last chance to surrender to the Wasp Kingdom!

Gen: L-Like we'd let you take anything!

Eri: Yeah, it's time to s-show what we can do!

Burglar: Bleheheh. Merchants are so greedy. Can't share just a few things. Now we're gonna have to take it all!

(minibubble) Huscada: Oh no, oh no!

Wasp: Hmm? Those three! They're the ones from the report!

Burglar: That'll pay a pretty penny! Let's capture 'em!

Kabbu: You will keep your vile limbs away from my friends!

Vi: Let's kick their butt!

(minibubble) Eri: L-let's go!


Wasp: Blast! We've got to go back and report this!

Burglar: I'm, uh, still getting paid, right...?

Wasp: Shut it! Let's go!

Wasp: You... We won't forget this!

Huscada: Uff... That was terrifying. Thank you…

Gen: Yeah. Thanks, Team Snakemouth!

Cricketly: Hmph. We were going to be fine. They were weaklings.

Vi: You're welcome.

Vi: ...Those wasps are showing up more, huh?

Leif: It's worrying indeed. We should report this as soon as we're able.

Huscada: We're just humble merchants. We can't help too much…

Huscada: But we are so very grateful for your help. This isn't much, but take it.

Vi: Woah! I didn't even need to ask this time!

(minibubble) Kabbu: Oh, Vi...

Cricketly: Of course. You won't find merchants in debt. With this, we're even.

Eri: We can keep the merchants safe from here. We're almost at the town!

Gen: Yeah. Don't let us slow you down!

Kabbu: You would never! But thank you. We'll keep going now.

Huscada: Safe travels!

Defiant Root, Entrance

Kabbu: Ah, it's good to be back.

Leif: Oh yeah. You mentioned staying here back with Neo.

Vi: That means we've been neighbors all along!

Kabbu: Life truly is full of small surprises like that.

Leif: Uh, cute. do we get to the Hive?

Vi: We just keep going straight. There's a huge elevator there!

Kabbu: I-Is it safe?

Vi: No one's fallen off yet, so it's probably safe! Let's go get this over with already!

Kabbu: over me...

Defiant Root, Elevator Area

Elevator Bee Guard: So you've come back, Vi. On a mission, from what I can tell?

Vi: Uh huh. Get us up?

Guard: Sure thing. Hop on, explorers.

Leif: We're not done talking about your issues, Vi. We're just saving it for later.

Vi: Drop it. Seriously. I don't want to talk about it!

(minibubble) Kabbu: Vi...

Hive, Elevator

Vi: …

Leif: Look, Vi. Even if you don't like them, it can't be THAT bad.

Kabbu: Indeed, we'll protect you if they speak poorly of you.

Vi: Hahahaha... That's...not really going to happen, ya know?

Leif: Huh. So they don't tease you?

Vi: Just uh, a little bit.

Kabbu: Vi...could it be the Hive has done nothing to you?

Vi: …

Leif: Nonsense. Why would she be so unwilling otherwise?

Vi: He's right.

Kabbu: I am?

Vi: The Hive didn't do anything. I did.

Leif: Vi. What did you do?

Vi: My sister kept teasing me, okay? Saying exploring's a job for other bugs.

Vi: That it was too dangerous, and that I couldn't do it!

Vi: So I got really mad and said a lot of mean stuff to her…and ran off.

Vi: Told my boss to shove it. Told the Queen she had no idea what I'm capable of!

Kabbu: Vi…

Leif: So in this story, you're the mean one?

Vi: Kinda. They had it coming, though.

Leif: That's great.

(minibubble) Kabbu: It is?

Leif: All you have to do is say you're sorry. And it'll get fixed.

Vi: No way!

Vi: Even if I was super mean, they still teased me all the time! I'm not gonna say sorry!

Kabbu: Not even to your close sister? It's your family!

Vi: She can say sorry first! I'm not gonna lose after making a big scene!

(minibubble) Leif: ...

Vi: Look. The mission's most important, okay? I don't wanna talk about this anymore.

Leif: We're almost at the're not off the hook, Vi.

Hive, Scanner Room

Bee Guard: Greetings, visitors. Please hold still as we scan for impurities.

Kabbu: Um, what?

Guard: Huh.

(minibubble) Kabbu: What a scare...

Vi: "Huh"? You saying we're not clean or something?

Guard: It's not that… Hmm, well... Yes. Okay.

Guard: Alright. You've been cleared to pass.

(minibubble) Leif: ...

Hive, Main Area

Kabbu: Goodness, what a grand welcome!

Leif: Vi, is this normal?

Vi: Uh, not really...

H.B.: Hold it, folks!

H.B.: The scanner picked up something weird from one of you…

Vi: W-What?

Leif: Was it us?

H.B.: Most definitely.

Kabbu: Is Leif okay!?

H.B.: Dearie me. We've caused a scene. Could you come with me? I'll check it out ASAP.

Vi: You sure you wanna trust her, Leif?

Leif: Yeah. We don't have any leads right now. Nothing to lose.

Kabbu: Guide the way, doctor!

Hive, H.B.’s Lab

H.B.: So that's what the readings meant…

Kabbu: Doctor, is Leif okay?

H.B.: According to the tests, ancient crystal fragments lie within you. If I'm not wrong, you can use magic?

Leif: Yeah. After we woke up in Snakemouth, it just suddenly came to us.

Vi: So that wasn't a super bad lie?

Leif: ...You still doubted us?

Kabbu: Given the weirdness of it, I'd tally it to healthy skepticism.

H.B.: Magical powers are a common side effect of a body being linked to these crystals.

H.B.: Although there's still something our scanner couldn't identify. Something else may be inside your body.

Leif: Something else?

H.B.: ...If you'd let me put you under for a while, I could look into it.

Leif: Er, put us under?

H.B.: You know. Fast asleep.

H.B.: Then we explore your insides after cutti-

H.B.: W-What!?

(minibubble) Vi: Woah!

Kabbu: Leif, you had this sort of power?

Leif: N-No. It's weird. We just moved on our own…

Leif: ...Sorry. We don't know what happened. We're not too keen to be put under, however.

H.B.: An involuntary self-defense mechanism…

H.B.: Leif, was it? Give it some thought. Your condition is fascinating.

Vi: I'm starting to get worried…

Leif: Don't be. We feel fine.

Kabbu: We're getting closer to the truth, although there's much left to answer…

H.B.: Well, I think we'll leave it at that for today. Sorry for distressing you.

Leif: It's okay, really... Thanks.

Vi: Welp... We're going to be late to the meeting, aren't we?

H.B.: Ah, yes. The Ant Kingdom brought the materials for the key replacement, right?

H.B.: I've heard there's four other explorers looking around the Hive.

H.B.: Could you round them up in front of the throne room? I'll meet you there when I finish some things up.

H.B.: Crow!

Crow: C-called me, doctor?

H.B.: Round up the data! We have work to do.

Crow: Ah! Y-Yes, doctor!

Vi: Great... A walk around the Hive.

Leif: Can't be the worst thing. We'd like to get to know this place.

Textbox: Leif can now use Bubble Shield Lite in battle!

Hive, Main Area

Mothiva: Ohohoho! Now now, there's enough Mothiva for all!

Crowd: Mothiva! Mothiva!

Vi: Ugh! How can she be so popular while being such a jerk!

Leif: Ignorance is bliss for this crowd…

Kabbu: Um, Mothiva?

Mothiva: More fans? Ohoho-

Mothiva: What are YOU dorks doing here!?

Crowd: Huh?

Crowd: Mothiva?

Crowd: Hm?

Mothiva: A-Ahahaha! Sorry, show's over! I hope you'll join me in my next tour!

Crowd: Aww...

Mothiva: Thanks for ruining a perfectly good tour, jerks.

Vi: We didn't do anything! And you're the jerk!

Mothiva: Your mere presence ruins my vibe, can't you tell!?

Leif: Maybe you can steal some of ours when we're not looking.

Mothiva: Why you…

Kabbu: Enough! We're not here to fight you. We have a mission, can't we cooperate?

Kabbu: We need not hog the glory. If we work together, we will all be recognized!

Mothiva: Sigh. So naive. What good is fame when shared with the likes of you?

Kabbu: U-Urk…

Vi: Look, just go to the darn meeting point. We can settle this later.

Mothiva: Hmph. I'll go, but not by your barking. See if you don't keep me waiting too long.

[If haven’t talked to Zasp yet]

Mothiva: And get Zasp to go too, okay? I can't be bothered after seeing you three.

Vi: What a jerk! I really really don't get how no one sees it!

Kabbu: It's a shame her defeat didn't humble her one bit…

Leif: We'll have to be careful, we never know what they'll be planning...

Zasp: Just my luck. Team Snakemouth.

Vi: You've got some nerve walking into the Hive!

Zasp: Hmph. Pipe down. I'm here on explorer business, just like you.

Leif: Come to steal some more credit, we assume?

Zasp: If you expect an apology, you won't get it.

Kabbu: Ngh. So you're proud of your actions?

Zasp: I don't operate on pride. I'm commited to Mothiva's rise to the top.

Zasp: We saw an opportunity and took it. It didn't work out, but it's not the end of the world.

Zasp: As you can see, even without the artifact, she is still respected.

Vi: Who's gonna respect someone so petty! Bet they wouldn't if they knew the truth!

Kabbu: Vi! We're not going to start badmouthing others!

Zasp: It wouldn't matter. See if they'd believe some bumbling fools over the great Mothiva.

Leif: Hmph. Look, we don't care. Can you just move it to the meeting point?

Zasp: That, I can do. Business is business, after all. My interests are not petty banter with you three.

Vi: Yeah, yeah. Just go.

[If already talked to Mothiva]

Zasp: Mothiva must be waiting, anyways. See you there.

[if haven’t talked to Mothiva yet]

Kabbu: We'll notify Mothiva as well. You won't wait for long.

Kabbu: See you there.

[After talking to Zasp and Mothiva]

[If already talked to Gen and Eri]

Vi: Okay, that should be everyone. Let's go to the meeting!

[If not talked to Gen and Eri]

Kabbu: We still need to find the other explorers. Let's look around.

Hive, Balcony

Gen: Heeeey! Team Snakemouth!

Eri: Thanks again, we owe you for back in the desert…

Kabbu: It was no problem. You would do the same for us.

Leif: They would try, at least.

Gen: We'll make up for it, you'll see.

Eri: Mhm. Hey, Vi? You're being real quiet.

Vi: Oh? Uh...sorry. Just thinking.

Eri: The Hive is SUPER cool! We have to come back together when we're not on the job!

Gen: Everyone's really nice. And they let us drink from the fountain for free!

Vi: Y-Yeah... Glad you like it. You ready to meet up?

Eri: Shoot! We forgot!

Gen: We'll see ya there, Team Snakemouth!

Leif: Well, at least they're having fun.

Vi: Hmph.

Leif: Vi.

Vi: What? If it's about earlier, drop it. I don't want to talk about it.

Leif: Look at us, Vi. This is serious.

Leif: You're mad over petty things. You're acting like a child.

Vi: Seriously? THAT'S what you wanted to tell me!?

Leif: We're not finished.

Leif: Something may happen tomorrow, or even today. And then, you won't be able to say sorry.

(minibubble) Kabbu: Leif...

Leif: Instead of acting so proud, won't you be happier if you fix things?

Vi: …

Kabbu: Vi, Leif is right! We never know what can happen. Friends are so precious to lose over nothing…

Vi: ...But what if she doesn't forgive me? I was really mean…

Kabbu: If you really mean it, and show it, she'll forgive you. You're sisters!

Vi: ...…

Vi: F-Fine. I'll try.

Leif: Hmm. You're more mature than we expected.

Vi: Shut up!

Vi: We're on a mission now, but…

Vi: W-When we have time, I'll try and apologize. Okay? Are you happy now!?

Leif: You promise?

Vi: I'll do it! I don't need to promise it like some kid!

Kabbu: Heheheh. Alright, Vi. We believe you.

Leif: We hope it goes well. Life's too short to have dumb fights.

Vi: Sigh...I feel all tired now.

[havent got everyone]

Vi: Let's go find the other explorers, okay?

[got everyone]

Vi: Everyone should be at the throne room now so... Let's go, okay?

Kabbu: Yup. Let's go, team.

Leif: We'll be rooting for you, Vi.

Vi: ...Thanks.

Hive, Main Area

[Walking to the throne room door with everyone gathered]

Kabbu: It seems only Kina is left…

Eri: Oh, nah! She gave us the parts. So we're good to go.

Gen: She's shameless, that's what she is!

Guard: Then, if these are all the explorers, we shall open the throne room.

Guard: Be on your best behavior, for even glancing upon our Queen is a privilege.

Mothiva: Oh, of course miss guard! We adore the Queen, and would never dream to upset her Ohohoho!

(minibubble) Vi: !?

Leif: Are you the same Mothiva...?

Guard: Be silent, and go in.

Hive, Throne Room

Guard: My Queen, the Ant Kingdom's explorers have arrived. The doctor's here, as well.

Bianca: Oh! Adorable, aren't they? Welcome!

Bianca: I hope the Hive has shown great hospitality and kindness towards you.

Kabbu: Y-Yes! We are grateful, Que-

Mothiva: Oh, most respected Queen! Your words humble our heart - we are truly blessed to be in your presence!

(minibubble) Zasp: (Mothiva... Don't overdo it.)

(minibubble) Mothiva: (Shut up!)

Vi: Uh, yeah. It's nice to be back…

Bianca: Vi! Is that you? You have grown so beautifully into a fine bee!

Vi: U-Um…

Bianca: We have heard of your exploits here. You have brought pleasant surprises to my days.

Kabbu: That's great, Vi!

Vi: T-Thank you, Queen.

(minibubble) Mothiva: (Grr!!!)

Eri: The Hive is wonderful! Makes me wish I was a bee!

Bianca: Ahaha! Now, now. We all have our wonderful place in this world.

(minibubble) Leif: (This Queen is something else. If only ours took note...)

Bianca: But now, the time for pleasantries is over. If you don't mind, let us get to the matter at hand.

Bianca: H.B.?

H.B.: Yes, my Queen.

Bianca: As we all know, the graceful Ant Queen has made a heavy request of our kind.

Bianca: The core of the Honey Factory, which we owe this great kingdom to, has turned out to be an artifact.

Bianca: Under normal circumstances, we would have to deny even the Queen her request.

Bianca: However, she has provided us with all we need to build a new core.

Gen: R-Right! Kina should have delivered them to the factory already…

H.B.: Fufufu... Yes, I have gone there and gave a quick examination.

H.B.: With my incredible intellect, I can quickly create a suitable replacement. All due to these materials' incredible quality!

Bianca: It's quite a simple ordeal, isn't it? Almost feels like we've gone through a bit too many formalities…

Mothiva: Never, Your Majesty! There is no request we would not acquiesce for thee!

(minibubble) Vi: Ac-squeeze?

Bianca: Ahaha! If you are true of your word, that would make me most happy.

Bianca: For I would like to invite you to accompany the doctor to the Honey Factory, and witness this pivotal exchange.

Bianca: You are not obligated to go, but it would warm our heart if you did…

Mothiva: Yes. YES!

Eri: Sure thing! We would love to see even more of the kingdom!

Leif: Yes. For one, seeing honey being produced sounds delicious.

Kabbu: Leif, you are not to eat any of it!

(minibubble) Leif: (Aww...)

Vi: Um, thanks. We'll go.

Bianca: Vi…

Vi: Q-Queen?

Bianca: Contrary to what I believed, it seems the outside world did you some good.

Bianca: You look so grown up! Your team has my thanks.

Kabbu: Ah! Um, you're welcome, Queen.

Vi: I...I haven't changed at all. I'm the same Vi!

Bianca: Ahaha... A mother knows best. Maybe you've yet to notice.

(minibubble) Vi: ...

Mothiva: W-Well! Shall we go?

Guard: The Queen is speaking! Shut your mouth!

(minibubble) Mothiva: E-Eep!

Bianca: No need to be so ruthless, my dear guard. Ahaha!

Bianca: But you are indeed free to go unto the factory. It's to the west of my throne's entrance.

Bianca: Vi, please take care of everyone as they explore. As sure as I am that there will be no issues.

Vi: ...Yeah. I will. You can count on me!

Guard: Dismissed!

Mothiva: Sigh...Let's go, Zasp.

Zasp: About time.

H.B.: Now, teams. I still have to pick up some tools. We'll meet up there.

H.B.: Don't let the wind blow you off the bridge!

Kabbu: Geez, Vi. You made bees seem so mean! When you have a graceful Queen like that!

Leif: Even we are disarmed by her words. They remind us of Elizant.

Vi: ...I was mad at everyone, okay?

Leif: Even so, you shouldn't have badmouthed them.

Vi: Fine. I'm sorry, okay!? And I'll, uh...I'll fix stuff. Slowly. Can we just do the mission?

Kabbu: Heheheh. Alright. Let's go, team.

Hive, Entrance to Factory

Vi: Wait!


Vi: Oi! Calm down!

Leif: A bridge's not the best place for sudden outbursts.

Vi: Look. Everything in the Factory's super expensive! And they don't let you leave mid-tour!

Kabbu: I see...We should shop beforehand, then?

Vi: Yup! Let's save some berries!

Leif: Or we could spend a little not to have to go all the way back...

Honey Factory, Entrance

Tuvi: Wow! So many tourists! This is the famous Honey Factory!

Tuvi: Amazing, right? Here's where we produce all of Bugaria's honey!

Tuvi: Oh, um. Ignore this pile of scrap. Some explorer left it here and walked out…

(minibubble) Mothiva: Boring. Let's go, Zasp!

Tuvi: Anyway! I'm Tuvi, your delightful tour guide. While the incredible Doctor builds our new core, I'll show you around to lots of fun!

Gen: Yeehaw! Can't wait!

H.B.: Sounds like a good opportunity, doesn't it? Science is incredible, but not the best spectator sport.

H.B.: By the time the tour is done, I'll have assembled everything.

H.B.: So go on, have fun!

Kabbu: Thank you, Doctor. We will enjoy this for sure!

Leif: Knowing how the honey is made... This is an opportunity we cannot miss.

Vi: It's seriously nothing that cool…

Kabbu: Maybe for a bee. For us, it's a great experience!

Vi: Alright, alright. Geez... It'll be fun, I guess.

Tuvi: Uh... What?

Textbox: Warning! Warning!

Textbox: Factory has been compromised! Alert Code 32 Engaged!

Textbox: Complete Factory Lockdown in Effect!

Tuvi: W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what!?

H.B.: What...? But Code 32 is…

Vi: Doc! What's going on?!

H.B.: Code 32 means... The factory has been attacked by hostile forces!

H.B.: But how? We didn't see anyone on our way here…

Kabbu: Doctor, we must leave! We can retrieve the artifact later!

H.B.: Indeed. It's not just us, tourists and workers need to evacuate too.

H.B.: Guide, do you know where the Overseer is?

Tuvi: N-no! It's routine checkup time... She could be anywhere!

H.B.: ...Tch. Without the Overseer, we're stuck.

Vi: What!?

H.B.: Code 32 will lock down the entire factory for a week.

H.B.: That is, unless the Overseer enters the disarm code.

Leif: We suggest turning our trip around the factory into a rescue mission.

H.B.: ...Great idea! Finding her will fix all our problems, really.

Gen: A-Alright. We'll help!

H.B.: With such a capable group of explorers here, we should be okay.

H.B.: For now I will work on the core's replacement... You should focus on the rescue mission.

Eri: Let's do this!

Vi: You heard that, Mothiva? Let's-

Vi: Wait, where is she? Where's Zasp?

Gen: Huh, he's gone too…

Vi: I bet they have something to do with this...!

Leif: For this once, probably not... Guess we'll have to search for them too.

Vi: Cuz we didn't have enough to do... Let's go, team!

[Opening door to Processing Area]

Eri: Ah! The door! Thanks, Team Snakemouth!

Gen: Heheh. It's our time to shine, Eri! Can't let them do everything, right?

Eri: Y-You sure we won't get in the way?

Gen: Relax. It's just a factory! Let's go in and do what we can!

Vi: Uh oh... The factory's super dangerous! It's full of sentry bots!

Kabbu: W-What!? Team, we must give chase!

Honey Factory, Processing, First Room

System: Due to lockdown protocol, some platforms will be routinely shocked. Bee workers, please hover to evade the shock and evacuate safely!

Kabbu: S-Shocked!?

Vi: Whew, good thing I can fly...

Kabbu: There's no choice, Vi. You will have to leave us behind!

Vi: No way. What if I need to cut or freeze something?

Kabbu: Leif! Have you gone MAD!?

Kabbu: Impressive! W-wait, come back!

Vi: You did the weird thing again!

Leif: We took some time to think about it... And we can control it.

Leif: If we hold down |button,5|, we should be able to all cross safely.

Leif: Can't really jump or walk fast while doing it, though…

Kabbu: Incredible! Leif, you may have just saved us a lot of trouble!

(minibubble) Vi: No flying needed!

Leif: Eh, if Gen and Eri got through, we would have found a way. Let's go.

Textbox: Leif can now use the Bubble Shield! Hold |button,5| to protect the party from hazards!

Textbox: You can also move while using it to push away enemies!

Textbox: Leif can also use the Bubble Shield skill in battle!

Honey Factory, Processing, Puzzle 1

Eri: Eek! Team Snakemouth!

Gen: H-Help! Please!


Gen: Phew... We owe you one, again.

Vi: We may have to start charging 'em…

Kabbu: Nonsense, Vi.

Leif: What did you do to get rushed by Bee-Boops?

Eri: Oh yeah! We were, like, trying this switch out?

Eri: I was gonna stay here controlling it while Eri crossed, but then they went crazy!

Vi: This place is too dangerous, you shouldn't split up!

Kabbu: You should return to a safe place. We will take care of this.

Eri: W-Wait! We can help! Seriously!

Gen: We can stay here and press the switch, right? Then all of you can cross!

Leif: That's a fantastic idea, we're impressed.

Eri: It'll settle our debt with Vi, too!

Kabbu: She was just kidding, do not worry.

(minibubble) Vi: Right. Kidding.

Kabbu: But will you be ok? What if you get ambushed again?

Leif: Eh, doesn't seem to be anything dangerous left around.

Gen: Trust us, okay? Just go get a move on! Press |button,9| to give us a holler, and we'll press the switch!

Honey Factory, Processing, Malbee

Malbee: Away! Away with you!

Vi: Malbee! Hang in there!

Kabbu: We'll keep you safe!

Malbee: Vi? What are YOU doing here!?

Leif: Talk later. We're getting rid of these pests.


Malbee: Watch it! You almost splattered that honey on me!

Vi: Ugh. I don't even get a thank you?

Malbee: You don't deserve it, Vi.

Kabbu: We, um...are glad to see you're okay.

Leif: Vi, who is this?

Vi: This is Malbee, the maintenance chief.

Malbee: That I am! Glad you still remember that.

Malbee: Who are those two with you?

Leif: Vi's exploration team.

Kabbu: At your service!

Malbee: So you did go and build up a team instead of doing your shift here, didn't ya?

Vi: Anything is better than here! Bet you never saw it coming either!

Malbee: I didn't. The Vi from back then wouldn't have managed.

Vi: HEY!

Malbee: Guess something changed, though…

Malbee: It seems that I owe ya in the end. So thanks. Who knows what could've happened.

Vi: You're...welcome?

Kabbu: Uh, I'm glad we could be of help.

Kabbu: By the way, Miss Malbee. We're looking for the Overseer. Would you be able to help us?v

Malbee: Oh, her? She's got to be trapped in the Storage.

Malbee: With the security in place, the vents shut down... Honey's heating up, and those Abomihoneys are popping up.

Malbee: She won't last long by herself.

Leif: What do we do? The storage is locked.

Malbee: That's because the pump shut down. I was about to fix it, when I got jumped…

Vi: Can you fix it now?

Malbee: Yup. Hang on tight for a few minutes.

Vi: Is it done?

Malbee: Yep! Good as new. Processing's back to full power! Storage should be open, too.

Kabbu: Thank you! Now we've just got to walk back…

Vi: Oh, you're gonna like this Kabbu.

Malbee: With the machines working again, you can catch the tram back.

Leif: Will it bring us back to the entrance?

Malbee: Yeah. Saves a lot of time. And you get to see the factory from a whole new angle.

Kabbu: That is fantastic! We do get to tour around after all!

Vi: Thanks, Malbee. We're gonna go do our mission and stuff.

Malbee: Hmph. Vi, if you don't think you're cut for that exploration stuff, I'll actually rehire you here.

Malbee: Could always use more folk pushing the boxes.

Vi: Never! Let's go, team!

Honey Factory, Storage, Miniboss

Kabbu: Hmm...Is there nothing here?

Vi: There's gotta be something, somewhere!

Leif: Is it that weird for there to be an empty room?

Vi: ...Yes!

Kabbu: …

Kabbu: Wait... What's this feeling...


Vi: Eep! I wish it'd been empty after all!

Leif: Ready up, it's coming!


Kabbu: Huff… That was intense!

Vi: ...W-Woah! Are those...

Mothiva: ...Don't say anything.

Kabbu: What happened?

Zasp: We found this keycard, and then…

Mothiva: DON'T say anything! This is so embarrassing! A disgrace!

Leif: A "thank you" would be enough.

Mothiva: N-Never! This NEVER happened! Argh!

Vi: What's HER problem?

Kabbu: Humbleness is hard to come by…

Zasp: Well, if she's gone... I guess I can thank you. We really owe you.

Leif: Hmph. You're welcome.

Kabbu: You must have been terrified!

Zasp: We were. We really thought that was it for us…

Zasp: Try not to bring it up, okay? Even Mothiva can get very scared.

Vi: And why shouldn't we?

Zasp: Take this.

Zasp: ...I trust this makes us even?

Kabbu: We were even from the start. Go, you wouldn't want to keep her waiting!

Zasp: ...See you upstairs, Team Snakemouth.

Vi: Huh.

Kabbu: What matters is we've got the card. I'm sure we can save the overseer with this!

Leif: It'll be so hard not to rub this in her face... Guess we're better than that, though. Let's go.

Honey Factory, Storage, Overseer

Overseer: Oh gods, they're here... They've learned how to climb!!!

Vi: Oi! We're here to help!

Overseer: E-Eep! Vi! What are you doing here!?

Kabbu: We've come to save you!

Leif: And have you open the core room.

Vi: Mhm. Team Snakemouth to the rescue!

Overseer: Team Snakemouth... That was you in it, huh?

Overseer: Guess your explorer gig did pay off! I feel kinda bad for not believing in you at all…

Vi: We can still leave you here, you know?

Overseer: S-Sorry! What I meant to say is, I'm impressed!

Vi: Heheheh.

Overseer: I would never expect a Code 32 to happen just on the day we would replace the core…

Overseer: The vents have shut off and the honey is becoming volatile! The abomihoneys are taking over!

Overseer: We do need to reset the core, fast! But I can't get past all these monsters…

Kabbu: Worry not. We shall escort you to the exit.

Leif: Just stick with us. We'll make sure nothing harms you.

Overseer: S-Sure hope so... Or I'll just come running back!

[get through room]

Overseer: Oh gods, we made it. This really wasn't in the job description…

Vi: Stuff will go back to normal when the lockdown ends, right?

Overseer: Yeah! I've just gotta restart the system, and everything should stabilize…

Overseer: We've gotta review this protocol, seriously.

Kabbu: That's a relief.

Overseer: Explorers can be pretty cool. Thank you!

Vi: Heheheh.

Overseer: I'll go to the core room. You should be able to get out then.

Overseer: When H.B.'s ready to switch the core, feel free to tag along!

Overseer: With that...I'm out!

Vi: A job well done!

Leif: Praise will get you anywhere, eh Vi?

Vi: Yup. Anywhere, anytime. Time to finish this job!

Honey Factory, Core

Overseer: Alright, I will unlock the core now. Are you ready?

Textbox: We're ready.

Not yet.

[Not yet.]

Overseer: That's fine, you probably need some time to handle the majesty of it!

[We're ready.]

Overseer: Ok, here we go!

H.B.: There it is... The factory's core!

Leif: So this is the core... It's a bit unsightly.

H.B.: Heh. It was definitely designed with function over form.

Crow: This is such a big day! The core's never been replaced!

Crow: If this goes awry, the whole factory will explode...


(minibubble) Eri: Seriously!

H.B.: CROW! I told you that was a 0.004718% chance! Shut up!

Crow: S-Sorry, Doctor…

Vi: Phew...I don't want to be here if it's going to blow up!

Kabbu: Oof... Please do not scare us like that.

H.B.: Sigh. We'll have a talk later, Crow.

(minibubble) Crow: Eep!

H.B.: I was going to give a speech, but the mood's ruined...I'll just replace it now.

(minibubble) Mothiva: (Finally...)

Leif: What is it now!?

Gen: Oh no, oh no no no no!!!

(minibubble) Zasp: Mothiva! Behind me!

Kabbu: Everyone, be on guard!

H.B.: Hohoho. Calm down. Watch this!

H.B.: Deactivation code 940906!




H.B.: WHY would they ever code that in!? ...NOW YOU CAN PANIC!

Crow: Doctor! W-What do we do!?

Leif: Leave it to us. We'll knock this thing out.

Vi: Yeah! We ain't leaving without the artifact!

Zasp: Team Snakemouth, we're going to have to work together.

(minibubble) Mothiva: Think of all the fame… That we'll get for this!

Eri: We're here, too!

Kabbu: Everyone... Alright! Take care of all the Bee-Boops! We'll take care of the big one!

Mothiva: You'd give ME such a simple task?

Vi: Shut it! They're coming! Just do your job!

Mothiva: Grr... Whatever, let's go!



Kabbu: We've done it!

Mothiva: You should have left the big one to US. And saved us a lot of time!

Vi: Shut it, Mothiva.

Zasp: Hmph. Good moves. At the very least we've accomplished our goal.

Leif: We can agree for once.

Gen: Uh... Yup! Good job, everyone!

Mothiva: You did almost NOTHING!

Eri: S-So mean…

Crow: W-Well done, teams! We can replace the core now!

H.B.: Still, what a shame... Such a beautiful machine reduced to scrap.

Crow: W-We'll fix it later, doctor. Could you replace it? I really want to leave!

Vi: No kidding... Feels like we've been here forever!

H.B.: Alright, alright. Here goes nothing. Hope it doesn't explode.

(minibubble) Leif: Now you're worried?

Textbox: Factory Core Reset Completed.

H.B.: There ya go. Bet ya can't tell the difference. I'm a genius!

Crow: Awesome, doctor!

Kabbu: Mission Complete! We can finally leave!

Mothiva: Yeah, yeah... Can we have the old core? To give to the Queen, of course.

(minibubble) Vi: Hey!

H.B.: Of course.

Mothiva: WAIT, NO, GIVE IT TO M-

Textbox: You have found the Ancient Key!

Textbox: Team Snakemouth cut across the vast Lost Sands, thwarting a gang of bandits along the way.

Despite Vi's foul mood, the team took the Defiant Root's elevator, arriving at the Bee Kingdom.

Leif had a scare, but the team learned more about what happened in Snakemouth Den.

Vi was convinced to reconcile with her sister, and faced the Queen of all bees.

Although the factory tour went a bit awry, the explorers worked together to replace the core.

Now, all pieces have been assembled. Is the Everlasting Sapling finally within reach?

End of Chapter 3.