In Search of Paint...
By: Artia
Difficulty: **
I am close to finishing my greatest creation... but I need a rare item, the blackest of paints, to finish my masterpiece.
Meet me at my workshop in the Bee Kingdom for details.
It seems the blackest paint is sold in the Termite Kingdom's darkest alleys…
The paint's been located, but you weren't able to buy it.
Guess it's time to report to Artia?
It seems Artia's boyfriend, living in the Ant Kingdom's shadier part, could be the key to this trade.
Reed's given you a note you absolutely mustn't read. It'll convince the Termite somehow...?
The most black of all black paints is in your hand! All that's left is to deliver it!
Hive, Main Area
[first talk]
Artia: ...You'll take my request, Vi?
Vi: Yup. Don't make a big deal out of it, ok?
Artia: ...Alright. I'm looking for the blackest, darkest of all paints.
Artia: I need it to complete my masterpiece. To challenge Jaune's reign as the best artist of the Hive.
Artia: You sure you can handle that?
Vi: ...A job's a job. Where can I find it?
Artia: Your soul is a dark grey... But anyways... I've heard it's with someone in the Termite City.
Artia: He hates being around in the open, a lover of the darkness. So cool…
Leif: Sounds like you two would get along pretty well.
Artia: Don't speak nonsense...I simply admire him. I would meet him myself, were it not so far.
Artia: Get it done, Vi. The pay's good.
Vi: Better be. It really IS far away...
[talk again]
Artia: Procure the blackest paint from the Termite City.
Artia: If you don't know where to start, search the darkest parts of the city…
Termite Kingdom, Industrial
[first talk]
Tennent: ......…
Kabbu: Uh...excuse us…
Tennent: ....…
Leif: We heard you have the blackest paint. We're interested in that.
Tennent: ......I have no business with you. Scram, if you know what's better for you.
Vi: Eep! B-but we need the paint!
Tennent: ......…
Kabbu: Uh, let's leave him alone, team…
Leif: We need the paint, Kabbu.
Kabbu: I know, but it doesn't seem like we can get it now…
Kabbu: Let's ask Artia what to do and come back later...
[subsequent talks, before getting note]
Tennent: ......…
Kabbu: Let's ask Artia what to do and come back later...
Hive, Main Area
[after talking to Tennent]
Artia: ...Found it yet, Vi?
Vi: Yeah. He won't budge, though. Sorry…
Artia: ...Drat. I feared this would happen. Listen up…
Artia: My boyfriend lives in the Ant Kingdom. Knows his way around...certain groups. He'll know what to do.
Kabbu: Boyfriend's a pretty vague description…
Artia: We have...similar tastes. You will know when you see him. Now go, your pay's waiting…
Vi: I'm charging extra for the double trip.
[talk again]
Artia: My boyfriend lives in the Ant Kingdom. Knows his way around...certain groups. He'll know what to do.
Ant Kingdom, Underground Tavern
[first talk]
Vi: Hey, Reed.
Reed: Vi... What do you want?
Kabbu: A-are you Artia's boyfriend?
Reed: Yes I am... What is that to you? Looking for trouble, chubby?
Leif: We are doing a request for her. She asked us to get the blackest paint.
Leif: But the guy that has it doesn't want anything to do with us.
Reed: I see. I know she wants the paint, but...
Reed: I really didn't want her to get involved with that guy.
Reed: I may be a tough guy, but she is my soft spot. Wouldn't want to get her into trouble.
Reed: But since you're going in her place... I suppose I could assist you.
Reed: I used to know the guy but we have had a...falling out. So I couldn't get the paint from him anyway.
Reed: He'd probably do something horrible to me if I went by myself. But he still owes me a favor from long ago…
Reed: So here, give this to him.
Reed: Don't you dare open that, it contains sensitive info. Info for his eyes only.
Reed: Just give that to him and don't ask questions. He will give you the paint.
Leif: You know, just saying that makes us even more curious.
Vi: Uh, Leif, don't. Alright? Wouldn't want to never be able to sleep again knowing something could happen to us.
Reed: Listen, just do this and everything will end without issues.
Reed: I can trust you with that, can't I, Vi?
Vi: Yeah, yeah. I know, Reed. Just leave it to me.
Reed: Good.
Kabbu: (This is sooo shady...)
[talk again before delivering]
Reed: Deliver the note and everything will be fine. Don't you dare open it though.
Vi: We know, we know.
Termite Kingdom, Industrial
[talk with note]
Tennent: .........
[exit out/give incorrect item]
Tennent: ........You'd better leave if you want to see tomorrow...
[give Shady Note]
Tennent: .......!
Vi: Huh, we got a response!
Tennent: ........Fine. Here is the paint. But I do this favor for Reed, not for you.
Tennent: ...We no longer have any business between us. Leave.
Vi: Gee, what a moody fellow.
Kabbu: Well we got the paint, let's deliver it.
[talk after giving note]
Tennent: ...We no longer have any business between us. Leave.
Hive, Main Area
[talk after getting paint]
Artia: ...Found it yet, Vi?
[incorrect item]
Artia: ...Don't waste my time.
[exit out]
Artia: Don't take too long. I must reveal my next piece before Jaune...
[give paint]
Artia: that's the blackest, darkest paint...!
Artia: Yes...I can feel it. It's like I'm staring at a deep abyss!
Vi: Hope it's worth the pay!
Artia: Jewelry is for denizens of the light. I have no need of it, after having seen such darkness…
Artia: Seems like a fair trade, the brightest object for the darkest one…
Artia: Hehehe… soon, Jaune's art reign will be over and Artia's will begin…
Vi: Yeah, I doubt that!
Kabbu: I'm just glad we didn't end up in trouble for this...
[talk after giving paint]
Artia: Soon Jaune's reign will end and my era of darkness will begin... and it's all thanks to you...hehehe...
Kabbu: ...Are you sure this was alright, Vi?
Vi: Jaune's not that easy to beat. She'll even like the competition.
Leif: Huh...Guess you were helping out Jaune too, then.
Ant Kingdom, Underground Tavern
[talk after completing quest]
Reed: Vi, don't think that this favor makes me forgive you for your past deeds.
Vi: You tell me every time, Reed.
Reed: ...Still. Thanks.
(minibubble) Vi: ...!