Lost Books
By: Brooke
Difficulty: **
The books from the Ant Library have gotten scattered around Bugaria!
Bring them back to the Ant Palace to help Brooke out, and learn more about the history of the land.
Ant Palace, Library
[First talk]
Brooke: Hey. What's your business?
Leif: We'd like to read some history books, if possible.
Brooke: Tch. They've...gotten lost.
Kabbu: Lost? How is that possible?
Brooke: We lent them out to the Bee Kingdom... But blasted bandits attacked the caravan!
Brooke: Now they're just scattered across Bugaria.
Leif: So, uh, what can we do?
Brooke: If you find any, make my life easier and return them. Then you'll be able to read them!
Vi: The nerve! They just want us to do the clean up for free!
Kabbu: Still, this is important to Leif. Let's help out.
Leif: Mhm. We don't really have another choice.
[Talk again]
Brooke: Oh, hey. It's you. Did you find any books?
[incorrect item]
Brooke: Oh please, don't waste my time.
[bug ranger plush]
Brooke: Oh...! Is that THE Bug Ranger plushie?! The limited one?!
Kabbu: I-Indeed... are you a fan of the Bug Rangers?
Brooke: Well... yes. I love reading the comics.
Vi: Looks like you found a new friend, Kabbu!
Kabbu: Hehe... it's always nice to find other people that like the Bug Rangers!
[Bad Book]
Brooke: What?! That book is a disgrace to this library! Get that out of here!
[exit out]
Brooke: Remember, if you find any books, bring them to me. I will let you read any books you find free of charge.
[lore book]
Brooke: Ah, wonderful. That is one of ours, yes. I'll put it on the shelf, so check it out whenever.
[turn in last lore book]
Brooke: One...ten...twenty…
Brooke: Woah. You've gone and returned all of them!
Leif: We can read in peace now.
Vi: That took way too long! Can't you give us something for it?
Brooke: ...Alright, alright. You did go through quite a bit.
Brooke: I've got this on me, I hope it helps you out.
Vi: Eh, it'll do.
Kabbu: Thank you for letting us still use the premises.
Brooke: Help yourselves. It's always nice to see others read.
[talk again, all books returned]
Brooke: Help yourselves to the books anytime. You've been a great help!
[check bookshelf, nothing on it]
Textbox: This shelf is empty.
[check bookshelf, books]
Textbox: Which book would you like to read? Press |button,5| to cancel.