Rare Item Wanted!
By: Isau
Difficulty: **
I'm close to a medical breakthrough that could save the lives of many sick bugs!
Would you stop by my clinic in Defiant Root and hear a bit more?
The petal Isau needs for her miracle cure seems to be at the very top of Snakemouth Den.
Is there a way to climb that cave, instead of heading further into its depths?
Defiant Root, Entrance
Kabbu: Doctor Isau! Doing well?
Isau: Why, yes! That permit... You saw my request?
Leif: Yep. We'd like to hear more about your miracle cure.
Isau: You see, I've been studying Bugaria's flora and their properties for many moons now.
Isau: I've found a combination that should heal any illness!
Vi: Woah, that's a berry maker right there!
Isau: Um, no. My hope is to be able to offer cheap treatment...
(minibubble) Vi: WHAT!?
Kabbu: You are a noble soul! I will gladly lend you my strength!
Isau: Heheheh. Thanks.
Leif: We're assuming the missing ingredient's not going to be easy to get.
Isau: Have you all heard of Snakemouth Den?
Leif: ...Yes. We're very familiar with its depths.
Isau: Excellent! Although the white Sophie Petal I seek actually grows over the den itself, I hear.
Isau: I haven't found a way to reach that high place.
Leif: So we should try to get really high up?
Vi: Leave it to us!
Kabbu: With Vi's flight, there's nowhere we can't reach!
Isau: I'll be counting on you. Don't get hurt!
[talk again]
Isau: Oh, it's you kind lot. Have you found the Sophie Petal in Snakemouth Den?
[exit out]
Isau: There's no rush. Please take your time looking for it.
[incorrect item]
Isau: A-Ah, this doesn't seem to be it. Could you um, go back to Snakemouth Den?
[give petal]
Isau: That silky white petal! You did it!
Vi: Easy peasy!
Leif: We can feel magic within it. It's sure to be what you need.
Isau: Oh, how can I ever repay you!?
Kabbu: There's no ne-Hurk!
(minibubble) Vi: Stop!
Isau: Your help was priceless! I hope this humble reward is enough.
Vi: ...I mean, it's cool. But is it enough?
Kabbu: Don't be like that, Vi!
Isau: N-No, she's right. Your help really was priceless!
Leif: She's always like that. Don't worry.
Isau: Nonsense. Here, have just a little extra!
Vi: Heheheh.
(minibubble) Kabbu: Darn...
Leif: Unbelievableā¦
Kabbu: T-Thank you, Isau. We hope your research goes well.
Isau: Me too. For the sake of all bugs out there...Huh? What's this?
Leif: Is there an issue?
Isau: I think this petal's got some seeds in it! They're super tiny, see?
Isau: I'll try planting a Sophie here, too. That should save explorers a lot of trouble!
Vi: It's gonna grow great, you're super kind!
Isau: Heheheh. Well, let's toast to that!
[talk after completing quest]
Isau: Thank you. Research's going well! I'll work hard for all sick bugs out there...